Iran Is Making It Impossible to Beat ISIS

Iran Is Making It Impossible to Beat ISIS

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I stated in another Blog titled “ISIS Will Go if Iran Says So” that Iran’s objectives is not for the US to defeat ISIS because Iran views ISIS as an asset it can use to terrorize the world with by proxy as it has used al-Qaeda in Iraq against US troops.

If and when ISIS hits European cities, Iran can simply claim it was sipping tea at the carpet bazaar. Anyone who believes Iran wants ISIS gone does not understand how the Iranian regime works.

Here is another view proposed by The Daily Beast in a new opinion titled “How Iran Is Making It Impossible for the US to Beat ISIS” in which there are clears isgns the Obama Administration is cooperating with, and I quote, “Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Kataib Hezbollah, a U.S.-designated terrorist entity, both of which were at the vanguard of the troops that ended ISIS’s months-long siege of Amerli, a Shia Turkomen town of about 15,000, in November 2014

The story goes on to detail atrocities against the minority Sunnis in Iraq, which is the reason for the title of this article among other things.

Iran is manipulating Barack Obama and Obama, like a doorbell, keeps ringing-in the good news surrounding his total surrender to the Iranian regime.

Here is a passage from the article to indicate an imminent attack against the US by Iran.

Consider this week’s blockbuster disclosure that the CIA and Israel’s Mossad collaborated in the 2008 assassination of one of Suleimani’s other high-value proxies, Hezbollah security chief Imad Mughniyeh. In close collaboration with Iran, Mughniyeh coordinated suicide attacks ranging from the 1983 U.S. Marine barracks bombings in Beirut to the blowing up of the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires in 1994.  Mughniyeh also was linked to the kidnapping of several Europeans and Americans in Lebanon in the 1980s, including CIA Station Chief William Buckley, believed to have died in 1985 after months of torture by Iranian and Iranian-trained interrogators.

So it is not surprising that Langley wanted Mughniyeh dead. What is suprising is that according to the Washington Post the CIA and Mossad had “a chance to kill” the Iranian master-spy Suleimani as he strolled through Damascus with Mughniyeh in 2008, but passed it up because of potential collateral damage. No doubt U.S. satellite surveillance is currently tracking Suleimani’s plain-sight movements in Iraq and Syria, too.

Last month, an Israeli attack in the Syrian sector of the Golan Heights killed Mughniyeh’s son, Jihad, who was said to have been an “intimate” protégé of Suleimani.

Obama has gone blind when it comes to Iran and its terror. He has become a facilitator instead of protector when it comes to Iranian terror.

Iran Is Making It Impossible to Beat ISIS


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