Iran Promises to Terrorize Anyone Standing in Its Way

Iran Promises to Terrorize Anyone Standing in Its Way

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From the “I-don’t-believe-it-department” comes this gem of a speech from Hassan Rouhani. Iran promises to terrorize anyone standing in its way.

Iran’s armed forces are the best defense against “terror” in the Middle East, President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday, urging regional countries not to rely on world powers.

Rouhani said at a massive military parade in Tehran:

Today, the largest power against intimidation and terror is our armed forces.

Iran has been terrorizing the region since 1979 when the Islamic Revolution succeeded in deposing the Shah of Iran.

Just last week, Iran injected more capital into Hezbollah whose raison d’être rests on destroying Israel. The Times of Israel wrote:

Since the deal was signed, Iran has significantly increased its financial support for two of the largest terror groups in the region that have become political players, Hamas and Hezbollah. In the years before the deal was signed, the crippling sanctions limited this support, which had significantly diminished along with Iran’s economy.

In the conflict in Syria, Tehran has been a staunch ally of the regime of Baschar al-Assad, a terrorist in his own right. Iran fought against Western-backed rebels.

On that score, Rouhani said:

We helped the armies and governments of Iraq and Syria, at their request… If terrorists start showing up in other regional countries, their only hope is Iran’s army, the Revolutionary Guards, and the Basij (militia)

Iran promises to terrorize anyone standing in its way of conquering Arab lands and people.

Iran considers Syrian civilians and the Free Syrian Army as “terrorists“.

Rouhani added:

They shouldn’t think that Western or world powers would defend them.

In other words, forget America and come to pappy. With its proxy terror well-oiled machine, Iran promises to terrorize anyone that stands in its way.

AFP contributed to this article.

Iran Promises to Terrorize Anyone Standing in Its Way


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