Iranian Security Forces Fired Live Ammunition at Protesters

Iranian Security Forces Fired Live Ammunition at Protesters

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Iranian security forces fired live ammunition as well as tear gas to disperse demonstrators protesting against the Islamic Republic’s initial denial that it shot down a Ukrainian jetliner, online videos purported to show Monday.

There was no immediate report in Iranian state-run media on the incident near Freedom Square in Tehran on Sunday night; right after a call went up for protests there.


Videos sent to the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran show a crowd of demonstrators fleeing as a tear gas canister landed among them. People cough and sputter while trying to escape the fumes, with one woman calling out in Farsi: “They fired tear gas at people! Azadi Square. Death to the dictator!”

Another video shows a woman being carried away in the aftermath as a blood trail can be seen on the ground. Those around her cry out that she has been shot by live ammunition in the the leg.

“Oh my God, she’s bleeding nonstop!” one person shouts. Another shouts: “Bandage it!”

Photos and video after the incident show pools of blood on the sidewalk.

Tehran’s police chief, Gen. Hossein Rahimi, later denied his officers opened fire.

However, uniformed police officers were just one arm of Iran’s security forces who were out in force for the demonstrations.

Riot police in black uniforms and helmets gathered earlier Sunday in Vali-e Asr Square, at Tehran University; as well as other landmarks. Revolutionary Guard members patrolled the city on motorbikes. Plainclothes security men were also out in force. People looked down as they walked briskly past police, apparently trying not to draw attention to themselves.

The west previously accused the IRGC of opening fire on demonstrators during protests over government-set gasoline prices rising in November. They killed hundreds of Iranian back then.

The crash of the Ukraine International Airline early on Wednesday killed all 176 people on board. The passengers were mostly Iranians and Iranian-Canadians. After pointing to a technical failure and insisting for three days that the Iranian armed forces were not to blame, authorities on Saturday admitted accidentally shooting it down in the face of mounting evidence and accusations by Western leaders.


Iran downed the flight as it braced for possible American retaliation after firing ballistic missiles at two bases in Iraq housing U.S. forces earlier on Wednesday. The missile attack, which caused no casualties, was a response to the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani. He was Iran’s top terrorist general.

Iranians have expressed anger over the downing of the plane and the misleading explanations from senior officials. They are also mourning the dead, which included many young people who were studying abroad.

At earlier protests Saturday, students in Tehran shouted:

They are lying that our enemy is America! Our enemy is right here!

Javad Kashi, a professor of politics at Tehran Allameh University, wrote online that people should be allowed to express their anger in public protests. “Buckled under the pressure of humiliation and being ignored, people poured into the streets with so much anger,” he wrote. “Let them cry as much as they want.”

There’s also been a cultural outpouring of grief and anger from Iran’s creative community.

Some Iranian artists, including famed director Masoud Kimiai, withdrew from an upcoming international film festival. Two state TV hosts resigned in protest over the false reporting about the cause of the plane crash.


Taraneh Alidoosti, one of Iran’s most-famous actresses, posted a picture of a black square on Instagram with the caption:

We are not citizens. We are hostages. Millions of hostages.

Saeed Maroof, the captain of Iran’s national volleyball team, also wrote on Instagram:

I wish I could be hopeful that this was the last scene of the show of deceit and lack of wisdom of these incompetents but I still know it is not.

He said that despite the qualification of Iran’s national team for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics after years of efforts, “there is no energy left in our sad and desperate souls to celebrate.”

Iranian Security Forces Fired Live Ammunition at Protesters

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