Is It Clear Now Who Controls the American Foreign Policy?

Is It Clear Now Who Controls the American Foreign Policy
Is It Clear Now Who Controls the American Foreign Policy?

We all have seen the invisible hands of Zionist AIPAC and its vast influence over our institutions turn visible before our eyes. We all see the number of extremist Zionists Biden has stacked his administration with to influence policy and command its direction. Furthermore, as we watch the students’ unrest unfold, we are all witness of the lengths those Zionists are willing to take to trash our Constitution and our First Amendment rights. Is it clear now who controls the American foreign policy? Or do you still have doubts about how far and deep Zionists have infiltrated this country to drive it to the ground?

What happened to the First Amendment rights of students on campuses? The Zionists want that right whisked off, taken away, and deleted all together. It’s a treacherous act of the highest order.

When it comes to the Zionists committing crimes against humanity, they wish that no one stands in their way, not even peaceful Jews who refuse to go along with the mass murder of women and children in Gaza.

How could the Zionists who control the American foreign policy make all that money, then?


Why the Zionists want to mass murder? Because they are afraid to lose all the benefits that come with the apartheid system they constructed in Palestine, which is a goose that keeps laying golden eggs. AIPAC influences Congress to earmark billions of dollars for Israel, which big corporations spend to support the Israeli military, which in turn benefits the Zionist stakeholders in these companies.

The sweetest and most efficient corruption in American history that Zionist billionaires have constructed to increase their wealth, and their chokehold on our Congress. The more money we send Israel, the tighter that chokehold becomes.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of dead Palestinians ring like cash registers to these billionaires, and no student protests are going to deny them their golden eggs, which Joe Biden benefits from publicly through donations from AIPAC (more than $11 millions so far). Who knows how much Biden benefits from under the table secret deals, as well.

If you were a corrupt man, like Biden has always been, which is why he survived so well in Congress and as VP, would you not ask for “What’s in it for me if I send Israel billions?”

No student protests, no Arab American voters, and no pressure from within are going to stop the genocide in Gaza. How could the Zionists who control the American foreign policy make all that money, then?

Is It Clear Now Who Controls the American Foreign Policy?

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