Is UAE Dumb Enough to Do Business With Assad?

Is UAE Dumb Enough to Do Business With Assad?

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All the signs, the numbers, the leaked stories, and the mitigating circumstances surrounding the coronavirus outbreak in Syria point to a deliberate and malicious cover-up by the Assad regime. With UAE so eager to pander to a mass murderer, the question must be asked: is UAE dumb enough to do business with Assad and expose its people to his contamination? If not from the coronavirus, then from Assad history of blackmailing the Gulf countries.


For the past two weeks, the needle on Syrian infections and deaths has beguiled the “stickum” syndrome. It froze at 19 infections and 2 deaths. One only wonders whether the Assad laboratories of death have discovered accidentally a cure for the coronavirus. One that killed the virus cold just like Assad kills women and children.

Mind you, Iran whose fighters and occupation personnel, both religious and military, number around 200,000. Iraq has thousands of Kataib Hezbollah fighting and killing innocent Syrian civilians (The U.S. should have never liberated Iraq from Saddam). Between both countries, there is almost 100,000 cases of infections with the dead running in the thousands. Yet, Syria boasts 19 infections and 2 deaths only. It’s like Assad is snubbing his nose at transparency through the coronavirus.

With all the data, or rather the missing data, can UAE afford to do business with Assad even after the coronavirus is defeated. More important than the virus is Assad immorality, something the leadership in UAE is ignoring at its peril. The al-Nayhans need to ask their close cousins the al-Sauds of their history with the Assad family. The number of times Hafez al-Assad has blackmailed them for billions of dollars. “Pay up or I will terrorize you”, he used to send the message through private emissaries.


If the al-Nayhan family thinks it is going to see any returns on any investment in Syria, then fool and his money are soon parted. And if UAE believes Assad is going to award its business community any meaningful contracts, then they are bigger fools than earlier believed. First comes Russia, then Iran, then few European countries to break the sanctions, then Egypt, then Russian and Iranian allies. Maybe UAE might get a contract to build a bakery in Deir el Zoor.

And if UAE believes it can invest in Syria, using its sovereign fund, and hope for good returns in the future, then they are the target of the biggest scam in human history. UAE will lose billions, and Assad will not blink an eye. How could any country believe it can trust the butcher of Damascus? Don’t let experience be the teacher of your foolishness.

If the coronavirus won’t harm the UAE business community, then Assad will. Do you really think he has forgotten that Saudi Arabia and UAE sided with the Free Syrian Army and funded their war against him?


For Assad, there are two kinds of Sunni Muslims. The dead ones, and the ones he enslaves.

Is UAE Dumb Enough to Do Business With Assad?


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