Israel Has Become an Embarrassing Liability

Israel Has Become an Embarrassing Liability
AIPAC could not care less if its lies harm U.S. interests. Israel Has Become an Embarrassing Liability.

How would like to stand by a country with unlimited amount of weapons, billions of dollars a year, permissiveness for its lobbying group to buy our politicians, and yet have to beg that country to help us secure our interests. In which sick world does that scenario exist but in our relationship with the State of Israel? To question that relationship and the real value of Israel has become an imperative for America because Israel has become an embarrassing liability.

The U.S. is starting to sanction their own extremist settlers terrorizing innocent Palestinians and stealing their lands illegally under international law. What other extremists do we sanction? The Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS. Israel is fast becoming in the same league as those violent anti-American groups.

There are many other reasons to break away from Israel. Could it be that our relationship with the Muslim world has become far more important since the end of the Cold War than supporting crazed Zionists? Could it be that we now have more U.S. bases in the Middle East than at any other time in our history? Or, could it be that Israel provides little or no value anymore, but only trouble and headaches?

Mind you, to the outside world, this kind of support makes Joe Biden look more interested in defending Israel than the interests of his own country.


Is it reasonable to assume that almost all the Arab countries cooperate with the United States with their intelligence that Israel’s own, which is often concentrated on defeating the Palestinians, is worthless and ineffectual.

After Gaza, the sooner we realize that Israel has become an embarrassing liability, the sooner the United States can confront BRICS+. Otherwise, that new world order train is going to wreck our economy.

The behavior of Benjamin Netanyahu towards the United States and particularly with regard to humiliating the Office of the President of the United States is weakening our country abroad in ways Biden does not comprehend. In fact, the Gaza Genocide has weakened any future U.S. argument over any country’s human rights records. To include Ukraine.

Who in their right minds would listen to Antony Blinken speak about human rights and international law ever again?

Yet, there are zero signals, under this administration, of any interest in asking the tough questions about the real value of Israel, other than supporting the country’s terror blindly. Mind you, to the outside world, this kind of support makes Joe Biden look more interested in defending Israel than the interests of his own country.

This is why he is unfit to become our President again.

Israel has pretty much isolated the United States on the world stage. What else needs to happen before we wake up? That it may start a nuclear war?


We should really start by assessing the real damage AIPAC is causing the United States. Why could the GAO conduct a study to cover many years of lobbying by AIPAC to see how its influence has helped or damaged the interests of the country. We do not believe such a study exists, but it is high time to conduct it.

Don’t we want to know whether AIPAC is good for the country, or not? That’s the least we can ask for as a way of knowing whether Israel has become an embarrassing liability, or not.

Furthermore, should we not also ask our allies in Europe and elsewhere whether they would enjoy better relations with the rest of the world if we abandoned Israel to its own extremism? Of course, the Zionists would push back. And of course, the Zionist billionaires would threaten to withhold their political support, but is it not that very same reason of why we should re-assess our malignant relationship with Israel because of its bad influence over our politics?

Israel has pretty much isolated the United States on the world stage. What else needs to happen before we wake up? That it may start a nuclear war?

Israel Has Become an Embarrassing Liability

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