Israel Is Ignoring a Bigger Danger Than Hamas

Israel Is Ignoring a Bigger Danger Than Hamas
The graffiti could reference an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jews are responsible for the 9/11 terror attack. Israel Is Ignoring a Bigger Danger Than Hamas

In the sphere of antisemitism, there is the active and the non-active. For every active antisemitic act against American Jews, or any of the 15 million Jews living across the globe, there are probably 1,000 more non-active that never manifest themselves. Their perpetrators never act. Rather, they keep their Jew hating ethos buried deep inside. By bombing civilians in Gaza, Israel is ignoring a bigger danger than Hamas, represented by active and non-active global antisemitism, which will impact the lives of all Jews.

But don’t tell that to the foaming-at-the-mouth ultranationalists running the Israeli government. Blinded by rage, they refuse to see how their bombs are causing much distress and misery to all the Jews around the world. Their drive for revenge is ignoring a dangerous global antisemitism surge.

They fault him [Netanyahu] for ignoring the safety of all Israelis at the expense of a small fraction of settlers now in almost total control of Israeli policy on the mistreatment of Palestinians.


Smart Jewish reformed communities in America that do not embrace the extremist government in Israel, nor its policy of apartheid against the Palestinians, are helpless to bring this to the attention of the government in Israel. They cannot turn the tide in favor of more moderate Israeli policies. They are as much the victims of Jewish extremism represented by the Israeli settlers on the West Bank as Palestinians are.

Even while support for the war inside Israel remains strong, many Israelis would like to see Benjamin Netanyahu gone, sooner than later. They fault him for ignoring the safety of all Israelis at the expense of a small fraction of settlers now in almost total control of Israeli policy on the mistreatment of Palestinians. That mistreatment has gotten much worse over the last 15 years of Netanyahu’s reign.

We cannot side with the extremists on both sides. That includes siding with President Biden, whose mistake of arming violent extremists in Israel has driven a big stake in the hearts of millions of his voters.


While antisemitism grows exponentially the longer the war continues, the majority of Israelis and Jews around the world are suffering the consequences the very few are causing. This is not fair to all the good people of Israel who truly want to co-exist peacefully with the Palestinians, instead of fabricating an ultranationalist apartheid system of hate and humiliation. How will they respond after the war is still a mystery.

Will they vote for a centrist government to restore its goodwill and take the dive to construct a peace with the Palestinian people the way past centrist governments did with Jordan and Egypt? Or, will they retain the scars of war and vote for more militant politicians? That is a question lingering on the minds of many Middle East experts.

In the meantime, it is the duty of every American citizen to put aside their biases and embrace all moderate and centrist concepts that would put an end to the war. Be it a ceasefire, release of all hostages, or letting humanitarian aid reach the most vulnerable.

We cannot side with the extremists on both sides. That includes siding with President Biden, whose mistake of arming violent extremists in Israel has driven a big stake in the hearts of millions of his voters.

Israel Is Ignoring a Bigger Danger Than Hamas

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