It Was Biden Who Led the Region to War

It Was Biden Who Led the Region to War
It Was Biden Who Led the Region to War

Had Joe Biden listened to King Abdullah of Jordan to curb his blind and unconditional support for Israeli onslaught on Gaza, which resulted in the mass murder of 34,000 civilians, we would not be discussing the Iran-Israel tensions today. It was Biden who led the region to war by unleashing the madman Benjamin Netanyahu on the Palestinians, the Lebanese, and the Syrians. That resulted in Netanyahu bombing the Iranian Consulate in Damascus.

If it was not for Joe Biden, the U.S. would not be attacking the Houthis in Yemen, or spending $1.6 billion just on defending Israel from the Iranian attack. Money that our country badly needs to fix its problems.

The world today is on the edge of a much larger war thanks to Biden, trusting an ultra-right politician known for his vindictiveness and long-term illegal expansionist goals for Israel. Our President, without thinking, just gave him all the tools that got us here.

This demonstrates clearly that Joe Biden is unfit to be our President. If we elect him again, he is bound to make even greater mistakes that would lead to more wars and violence. Even the killing of U.S. troops. The man has no strategic mind, just extemporaneous instincts, based on personal political calculations, that are 99% wrong most of the time.

Biden cannot differentiate between self-defense and committing genocide.


Those who stand by the banal response that “Israel has the right to defend itself” the country is always touting to answer any and all questions, should also understand the nuances of that vague statement.

Where is the international law that calls for committing genocide in defense of one’s country? Had Biden understood that small detail and abode himself by its authority, we would not be discussing how Israel lost its deterrence today, or whether Iran is sitting pretty having demonstrated it had the balls to attack Israel directly.

Biden cannot differentiate between self-defense and committing genocide. He allowed Netanyahu to destroy Gaza, kill its civilians, journalists, aid workers, medical health workers, and starve its children without bothering to fully grasp the world reaction or the consequences of such deliberate brutal violence.

If Biden had any common sense, he would have called Netanyahu a month after that madman started killing civilians using 2,000 lbs bombs, to ask him to stop and demonstrate how will he hunt the Hamas fighters going forward. Instead, and as usual, he waited 6 months before the world community and Netanyahu himself forced him to make the right decision.

Any wonder why both Iran and Israel are looking down the barrels of their guns today?


Those are not trademarks of a bold leader able to use his country’s immense powers for the good of the country. Since the Gaza onslaught, the BRICS+ movement has gained considerable influence among those countries, oscillating between resistance and compliance. Niger kicked the US out of its territories.

Biden is weak because even after realizing that his blind support for Israel is causing him and America problems, he still maintained the status quo. His procrastination, in addition to his lack of rational thinking, led us to today’s tensions in the Middle East.

Further, Biden is the most indecisive President ever. He mulls, and mulls, and mulls over decisions others would have immediately taken action to mitigate the risks. But not Biden. The man ruminates in the hope the issue might go away by itself.

Besides the above, his most dangerous weakness happens to be his lack of perspicacity to judge evolving situations. Everything is fixed in his old mind, and needs attention only after it’s too late to fix. Gaza demonstrated amply that weakness.

In addition, Biden has surrounded himself by some men who are more loyal to Israel than their own country. Who could forget Antony Blinken landing in Israel and claiming, “I come before you as a Jew”. Not an “American”, but a “Jew”. Not “here”, but “before you”?

Any wonder why both Iran and Israel are looking down the barrels of their guns today? It was Biden who led the region to war, genocide, and the tensions between two regional superpowers.

It Was Biden Who Led the Region to War

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