Killing Children, Invading Countries, and Cheating at Everything

Killing Children, Invading Countries, and Cheating at Everything

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The face of modern Russia, emerging under Vladimir Putin, is a pitiful sight. It certainly provides a glimpse of its future. If Putin is not killing children in Syria, he is invading countries like the Crimea. If his athletes are not cheating the world to win, his security is arresting people for protesting. In-between, he dispatches his spies to use poison nerve gas on his enemies in Europe.

Back home, Putin is spending the country’s resources on an arm race while a large segment of Russia’s population remains shackled between extreme poverty and lower middle class trying to survive. You don’t know poverty until you taste Russian poverty with its extreme harsh winters.


To catch a view of Russia just this past week, here are some AP stories. Each highlights what Russia stands for today.

The first is about killing children:

Government and Russian airstrikes pounded the southern edge of a rebel stronghold in Syria’s northwest on Saturday, killing at least seven members of one family, activists and a war monitor reported… In the past 3 1/2 months, the U.N. documented 500 civilian deaths and said 42 attacks on health care facilities were reported. The U.N. said a paramedic and an ambulance driver were killed in airstrikes Wednesday.

And the second story deals with cheating on the world stage in the most important sporting event.

Seven more top Russian weightlifters have been charged with doping offenses, taking the total charged this week to 12. The International Weightlifting Federation says the seven, including five world and European championship medalists, face allegations stemming from World Anti-Doping Agency investigations into widespread drug use and cover-ups in Russia over the last decade.

When civilization and civility crept into the DNA of homo sapiens, it completely missed a portion of the Russian race. The Putin barbarism at display is evidence that animals can take the shape of humans.

Let us not forget what Putin practices at home to keep his barbaric DNA in control.

A prominent Russian opposition figure has been detained by police immediately after leaving a jail where he had served two sentences connected to protests in Moscow.

Killing Children, Invading Countries, and Cheating at Everything


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