Let Us Never Forget Who Murdered Breonna Taylor

Let Us Never Forget Who Murdered Breonna Taylor

Today, sadly, America mourned the first year of the deliberate murder of Breonna Taylor at the hands of racist policemen who may have joined the force just to hunt and lynch black Americans. Let us never forget March 13, 2020. Let us never forget who murdered Breonna Taylor the young lady whose life ended by the barrels of so many racist guns firing simultaneously. To many, her legacy will live on because Taylor represented the hope that so many young black women aspire to against the odds of racism, sexism, and bigotry. With her death, many young black women felt a part of them die, I would imagine.

Now, I am neither black, nor a woman. But when you read so much about this tragedy, you start formulating a sense of what Breonna meant to so many. Here is a young lady in the prime of her life, ambitious, making all the right moves to have a career in nursing and to raise a family one day. To many who experience systematic racism, this may sound like a dream because not only do they have to fight to accomplish the important things in their lives, but they have to do it while combating a system rigged against them every step of the way. It’s like a solider fighting with both arms tied behind his back.

Breonna’s story is the story of millions of black Americans failing to achieve any of their goals because of racism and the brutality of police departments that have been infiltrated by White Supremacists and racists.


The death of Breonna Taylor touched a raw nerve in every black woman in America struggling to have a normal life. It told them that even when you abide by all the rules, make all the right moves, and chart meticulously your path for a better life, a white man can come and take all this away from you in a nano-second.

The wanton murder of Breonna Taylor also killed the hopes of millions of black Americans trying hard to go about constructing a meaningful and prosperous life for themselves. How could anyone not feel the pain of so many who have dome so much to build this nation, yet whose lives remain one cheap shot away?

Breonna Taylor represented the hope of a whole nation of young black Americans fighting racism behind every door they pry open. This is why, after one year of her death, her story remains on the minds of so many. This is why millions of Americans may, to some extent,  understand the suffering of the black communities across this nation. They see the hurt and the pain today as if Breonna Taylor was murdered yesterday. It never subsided, and I would imagine never will.

Breonna’s story is the story of millions of black Americans failing to achieve any of their goals because of racism and the brutality of police departments that have been infiltrated by White Supremacists and racists.

Hey, Mr. policeman, kill an innocent black person and you will serve time in jail. Hopefully the kind that are not as tolerant of your racism.


The policemen who murdered Breonna Taylor in cold blood are free roaming the streets of Nashville. Now that we have a more empathetic President in the White House, there is a good chance that the federal probe in her death, which HuffPost recently reported it is casting a larger net, might result in the conviction of the police officers responsible for her death. We hope so.

The Justice Department, under the new AG Merrick Garland, might not be as tolerant towards hate crimes and police brutality as Trump’s AG department was. All we want is justice to prevail for Breonna. All we want is the arrest, conviction, and serious jail time for the three police officers involved. While this might not bring Breonna back, it might become a deterrent to all the other brutal racists in police departments across this country.

Hey, Mr. policeman, kill an innocent black person and you will serve time in jail. Hopefully the kind that are not as tolerant of your racism.

Let Us Never Forget Who Murdered Breonna Taylor

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