Saudi Arabia, as a tribal nation, has created a highly-centralized political and social defense perimeter that prevents the country from ever fully trusting other nations, entities, or even people. It is an inherent weakness partially due to Islam’s clash against western civilization, but mostly is the result of al-Saud’s own understanding of trust and loyalty. Remember that the kingdom operated, until 30 years ago, on an annual and seasonal herd management clock when the world was progressing every day and even every hour. Loyalty to individuals kills nations but loyalty to a powerful idea creates empires and dynasties.
The same goes for all the other Gulf region. This explains why there are no Wahhabi Arab Muslims in the U.S. that have amassed enough power to lobby for the Muslim Gulf nations. Compare this fact to the Muslim Brotherhood Order, which is much more decentralized and operates with absolute loyalty to an ideology, not individuals. In al-Saud’s case, the family demands loyalty to the family, not an idea it can rally Muslims around. Therefore, al-Saud will eventually disappear while the Muslim Brotherhood will survive the ages.
Observe who lobbies for the Gulf countries in Washington as opposed to who lobbies for Israel in Washington.
There were times in Saudi Arabia, especially during Kings Faisal and Fahd eras, when they appreciated loyalty but never demanded it to rule justly
Each Gulf country’s chief lobbyist is their own Ambassadors who hire western commercial lobbyists to protect the self-interests of their rulers, and only their rulers. It works up to a certain point. The commercial outfits have two inherent weaknesses. 1) They are unable to muster votes for a Congressman or a Senator to win. 2) They are unable to start a Super PAC because of restrictions on foreign money impacting U.S. elections.
None of the Gulf countries can rally any Arab-American businessmen to help them circumvent their weakness because they demand loyalty to themselves, to their individualism and not a grand national Arab idea or concept Arab-Americans can rally around. This is why Saudi Arabia, as a nation, will not last long and the Muslim Brotherhood, as bad as their extreme ideology is, which seeks to implement an ancient Islamist social order (al-Sharia), will survive and prosper. It’s the idea, stupid!
Then consider Israel’s lobbying efforts as a contrast. They rally American Jews around Israel, which is a powerful idea when Jews connect their historical persecution. Israel, to many, is an insurance policy against persecution; as well as the only lands the Jews have ever ruled over without another nation interfering. Furthermore, the commercial successes of American Jews guarantee to protect American as well as self-interests. Followed by the safety for Israel.
For Israel, the Gulf Arabs will never represent a danger in America, but the Muslim Brotherhood Order can if it is able to rally a large number of American-Muslims to use their votes to divert the course of American politics. Something that is already happening when Michigan and Minnesota voted for two Muslim Congresswomen in 2016. And more will be coming in the future. Why do you think President Trump blocked Muslims from emigrating to America?
Think of the greatest ideas in the world that transformed humanity. In none of them, there were tourists who played a role in the transformation of mankind or history
Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), the future king of Saudi Arabia, is accelerating the demise of al-Saud. Unknowingly, of course.
While he relaxed many of the rules Wahhabi Islam permitted to fester and rot the Saudi society, he has been even more demanding of self-loyalty than any of his predecessors. In fact, he is obsessed with loyalty to his personae.  There were times in Saudi Arabia, especially during Kings Faisal and Fahd eras, when they appreciated loyalty but never demanded it to rule justly.
On any given Friday, after prayers, you would witness individuals loyal to rival princes or tribal clans visit the royal court to show respect to their king; and both kings appreciated their gesture and saw it as a duty to the country. In MBS royal courts today, all who are not loyal to him have either died, are imprisoned, or under house arrests after he stripped them of their hard-earned and legitimate wealth.
Therefore al-Saud demise will take place sooner than later.
There are no Arab-Americans to protect a grand Arab idea that does not oppose western values and indirectly protects the Gulf too
There are no Arab-Americans to protect a grand Arab idea that does not oppose western values and indirectly protects the Gulf too; and there are no Super PAC’s to protect and lobby for the Gulf because of shortsightedness of their rulers. All the Gulf countries have are hired help. Like mercenaries in an army.
The Saudi Prince who can correct these problems will save al-Saud. But it will not be MBS. He simply is ill-equipped to see the vision of how Saudi Arabia can really survive besides claiming it is the birthplace of Islam.
To simply believe in 10 years’ time, the country can transform itself and Saudi survival is guaranteed just because it can market itself as a Muslim Disneyland shows just how immature MBS is.
Think of the greatest ideas in the world that transformed humanity. In none of them, there were tourists who played a role in the transformation of mankind or history. But to think along these lines, MBS must first stop thinking that loyalty to a Prince trumps everything else.
The chances of this ever happening is less than zero.