Make Putin Pay Dearly for His Ukraine Invasion

Make Putin Pay for His Ukraine Invasion

Vladimir Putin is preparing to invade the Ukraine. If he invades, and in response, the world must make Putin pay dearly; not only by sanctioning the Russian economy to the point of implosion, but also by helping the Ukrainians defend vigorously their country to end Putin’s reign of terror for good. Vladimir Putin must pay the ultimate price for his mistake.

Let him come to Reykjavik, like Gorbachev did, to beg for a reset.

Economic sanctions are not enough. The world must help the Ukrainians bleed Russia enough to finally limit its capacity to harm the west. For good and for eternity. This is the west’s golden opportunity to downsize Russia forever. Behind the scene, the United States should do all it can to make Putin’s invasion of Ukraine the priceless gift that he never expected.

If our President does not respond to Putin’s challenge in the Ukraine with brimstone and fire, he would be indeed unfit for his position.


When you consider the power of Russia, there are only two elements that come to mind. Its land mass and its nuclear arsenal. Nothing else.

Russian GDP stands at $1.4 Trillion in 2020. California’s GDP during the same year stands at $2.7 Trillions. One U.S. State produces double what Russia is able to produce.

We must remind Vladimir Putin of this stat by assisting the Ukrainian army with so much more than just cash and some lethal weapons. Biden must be ready to put all of our logistic and technical resources to help the Ukrainian army bog down the Russian forces into some nightmarish scenario.

Like a slow-grinding war of attrition where Russian forces can no longer advance or win this war. Not in weeks, months, or even years. This is our opportunity to turn the tides on Putin’s polling inside Russia and hopefully accelerate his own demise.

By invading the Ukraine, Russia is trying to show the world how weak Joe Biden is, which advances the notion that his alternative is Donald Trump in 2024. If our President does not respond to Putin’s challenge in the Ukraine with brimstone and fire, he would be indeed unfit for his position. This is an all-out war against Joe Biden concocted by the extreme wing of the Republican Party siding with Vladimir Putin.

If Russia invades and wins decisively, then we need a new President in the White House.


After the Russian invasion of Syria, Putin tested every weapon on its civilian population.

Maybe the Ukrainian war, if and when it happens, is our chance to test our military might on the Russian invading army. This is not to say we man or operate these weapons, but we provide the Ukrainian army with the means to test them on our behalf. Let Putin see what a budget of over $700 billion a year gets a country.

The question is: Does Joe Biden have the courage to actually confront Putin? Or are Putin’s calculations that Biden is too weak to matter right on target? Ukraine hangs in the balance of this question. If Russia invades and wins decisively, then we need a new President in the White House because it means that Biden hesitated in committing U.S. assets in defense of a democracy, and, as important, to stop Russian threats for good.

The Ukrainian war presents the United States with many unique opportunities. Test our weapons against Russian forces, weaken Putin at home, and for Biden to show he is not the rollover we all witnessed during his negotiations with Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.

President Joe Biden must see this clearly. If not, the American people also need a new Chief of Staff too.

Make Putin Pay Dearly for His Ukraine Invasion

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