Mohammad bin Salman Evil Spreads Like Cancer

Mohammad bin Salman Evil Spreads Like Cancer

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Of late, Mohammad bin Salman, the idiotic son of King Salman of Saudi Arabia, is quietly returning to his vile habits of locking up writers and journalists for expressing themselves. Mohammad bin Salman evil spreads like cancer.

The Committee to Protect Journalists recently issued a press communique calling on MbS to release jailed bloggers he locked-up. What is wrong with thin-skinned men whose evil shivers normal-skinned people? They cannot tolerate criticism, but can tolerate dismembering human beings.

The communique cited:

Saudi authorities arrested blogger Naif al-Hindas on April 4 or 5 and bloggers and columnists Ali al-Saffar and Redha al-Boori on April 9, according to a statement and Twitterposts by the London-based Saudi rights organization Al-Qst and a statement by the Beirut-based rights organization Gulf Center for Human Rights.

Saudi authorities have not publicly stated any reasons for the arrests, which come as part of a larger wave of detentions since the beginning of April, which have included at least four other journalists, according to CPJ reporting. Al-Saffar and al-Boori have not published in recent years, and al-Hindas’s blog has been dormant since 2018, according to a CPJ review of their writings.


MbS, behind the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, is a deranged killer who acts more like Assad of Syria than a statesman to his country. His only protector is Donald Trump. Once Trump leaves office, MbS will be deposed. The Middle East can ill-afford more ruthless leaders driving the religious argument for freedom to its extreme.

Unless such plans helps western economies when they wage wars abroad.

Mohammad bin Salman evil spreads like cancer.

CPJ Middle East and North Africa Program Coordinator Sherif Mansour said from Washington, D.C.:

Saudi authorities seem intent on locking up any journalist who might potentially have something critical to say about the current leadership. The kingdom’s neighbors and partners must meet this flagrant display of contempt for international law and human rights with an appropriately strong response.

MbS may yet send another team to the Embassy in Washington D.C. to kill and dismember not only his opponents, but Americans that write about his evil deeds.

MbS cannot tolerate criticism, but can tolerate dismembering human beings

Hey Donald, when you lose the elections in 2020, MbS is history. American institutions will not permit people like MbS to rise ever again in this region already far too dangerous for American security. Assad helped ISIS to rise, and MbS is helping another religious fanatic organization to rise soon; right under his nose to threaten the region.

It’s cause and effect. Don’t fool yourself into believing fighting the effect will eradicate the cause.

Mohammad bin Salman Evil Spreads Like Cancer


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