More Fighters Are Heading to Syria to Fight Russia

More Fighters Are Heading to Syria to Fight Russia

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Russia’s actions in Syria are fueling the country’s war, which can only be ended with an unconditional exit of the psychopath Baschar al-Assad, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said ahead of a meeting with his U.S., Russian and Turkish counterparts.

Jubeir told reporters in Vienna, adding the Saudis had made this clear to the Russians.

“We believe that the Russian interference in Syria is very dangerous because it exacerbates the conflict.”

Russia’s air force has flown over 780 sorties against almost 800 targets in Syria since Sept. 30.

“We believe that it will be viewed as Russia inserting itself in a sectarian conflict in the Middle East. We’re concerned that this will trigger emotions in the Muslim world that will cause an increase in fighters to go to Syria.”

You can be sure that more fighters are heading to Syria to fight Russia. The statement Adel al-Jubeir made is a warning to Putin of what is coming without being explicit with his threats.

Almost 80 percent of Russia’s declared targets in Syria have been in areas not held by Islamic State, a Reuters analysis of Russian Defense Ministry data shows, undermining Moscow’s assertions that its aim is to defeat the group.

When asked whether Assad could play a role in any Syrian interim government Jubeir said:

“His role would be to leave Syria… The best case scenario is that we wake up in the morning and Bashar al-Assad is not there.”

Saudi Arabia, in particular, has suffered immensely from the extortion, threats, and even terror of the Assad family over a long period of 45 years. Now that the opportunity is at hand, the al-Sauds are not going to miss it by agreeing to Assad remaining in power. This is why more fighters are heading to Syria to fight Russia.

U.S. State Secretary John Kerry is due to meet Jubeir, Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Vienna on Friday to discuss Syria.

Reuters contributed to this article.

More Fighters Are Heading to Syria to Fight Russia


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