Naked Racism in America 100 Years After the Civil War

Naked Racism in America 100 Years After the Civil War
Slave auction in New Orleans, 1842, “Sale of Estates, Pictures and Slaves in the Rotunda, New Orleans.” The nation’s most active slave market was in New Orleans. Slaves who had been “sold down the river” were auctioned off to plantation owners.

One Night in Miami is one of those movies that stitches society’s ills across a four dimensional lens as seen by four prominent African-American men living in 1964. The film is a masterpiece at highlighting the naked racism in America almost 100 years from the end of the civil war. It provides its viewers with a significant historical perspective to store in the corner of one’s memory bank, and to draw upon it every time Trumpism rears its ugly face of bigotry and racism again.

The brilliant Regina King directed the movie, and it has won wide acclaim. If you have not seen it yet, check it on Prime Video. It’s worth every minute of your time.

The raw furnace blast in your face, after watching this scene,  will make you think hard and long as it did to this author.


In particular, there is one scene that will blow your mind away. The great football player Jim Brown authenticated it in his autobiography “Out of Bounds“.

Screenwriter Kemp Powers explains this scene, as Rasha Ali wrote in USA Today, in this fashion:

Powers says Brown wrote about a similar experience in his autobiography.Rasha Ali - USA Today

The clip below comes directly from the movie. It’s only 4:30 minutes long but worth watching for its ugly and jaw-dropping denouement. If this does not prompt people to action to eradicate racism in this country, nothing else will. The raw furnace blast in your face, after watching this scene, will make you think hard and long as it did to this author.

How is this relevant to today’s experiences and the new openly racist Republican Party we all are watching in agonizing slow motion? Mr. Carlton, in the scene, represents Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, Josh Hawley, Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and so many more who refuse to impeach Trump. They are nice and sweet until we ask them if they need help moving the furniture inside their homes.

If it was not for the slaves, the United States of America, today, would look like Finland. Industrious, growing, but not nearly as rich and powerful as the US has become thanks to the African-Americans who built it.


The White Supremacists have coined a term, which provides them with cover while sustaining the status quo of unrelenting racism. Every time a black hater policeman kills an innocent black man, they jump to the conclusion that “It’s just few bad apples”. Which is another way of dismissing that half the body has been ravaged by cancer.

January 6 showed us just how deep and wide racism is rooted in this country. Ever since the first British settlers began trading in slavery to build this nation on the strength of the slaves strong muscles and backs. If it was not for the slaves, the United States of America, today, would look like Finland. Industrious, growing, but not nearly as rich and powerful as the US has become thanks to the African-Americans who built it.

Yet, with all these contributions, these loyal, kind, and hardest working of Americans remain stuck at the bottom of the barrel unable to advance on par with other ethnic groups or races basking in the glory of America’s capitalism. Naked racism in America must be eradicated for true justice to prevail and for this nation to get even stronger.

Let us draw a 25-year plan. One in which we take very measured steps to decimate racism. This author finds it strange that not even Democrats have concocted such plans if they are serious about this goal.


How can we achieve this noble goal? By keeping an eye on White Supremacists in this country and lock as many of them behind bars if they violate the law, which also has the benefit of not passing their racism to their offspring. Just as they locked, through prison privatizations, as many black men behind bars. If they succeeded, there is no reason our Federal Government cannot squeeze them to put an end to racism.

Lobbying today’s Republicans is hopeless, but we must hold the Democrats accountable.

Let us draw a 25-year plan. One in which we take very measured steps every year to decimate racism. This author finds it strange that not even Democrats have concocted such plans if they are serious about this goal.

Could they be stringing the black community along too just for their votes? If not, prove it by coming up with a 25-year plan, representing one generation, to end racism in this country for good.

We went to the moon in fewer years after we planned it.

Naked Racism in America 100 Years After the Civil War

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