Netanyahu Is Incapable of Humanity

Netanyahu Is Incapable of Humanity
Netanyahu Is Incapable of Humanity

Unfortunately, Prime Minister Netanyahu is incapable of humanity, and even more unfortunately is President Joseph Biden’s decision to open the Israeli weapon spigot, unconditionally, for Netanyahu to cause as much terror as Hamas has. This irresponsible policy caused a high official in the U.S. State Department, Josh Paul, to resign and announce, in an interview with the Washington Post, that his resignation is due to the fact that “robust U.S. military assistance for Israel was effectively giving the country a green light to do what it wants against Gaza, regardless of the civilian toll.”

Paul’s job was handling arms transfer at the State Department. His resignation protested the inhumane actions of Israel against civilians in Gaza now reaching close to 4,000 people and injuring up to 15,000. Among them are hundreds of children, according to UNICEF.

The Middle East no longer boasts any wise leaders. Just terrorists out for revenge, and Israeli leaders out to avenge the revenge of the terrorists with as much terror. We all miss Yitzhak Rabin.

Today, Israel is in the grip of extremists intent on killing their way to a peace that will never happen.

The US has no influence over Hamas or the Islamists terrorizing the region. However, we have the common sense to realize that terror for terror gets us nowhere.


To understand the impact of Netanyahu’s unleashed terror, two Iranian-backed militias in Iraq attacked US forces at al-Harir and Ain al-Asad bases in Iraq, which caused few slight injuries. President Biden should have never just given Netanyahu the green light that may harm our troops as well.

Make no mistake about it, the more Netanyahu terrorizes civilians in Gaza, the more it threatens our troops overseas. And this is just the beginning.

The solution today lies in forcing Netanyahu to stop his genocide on the Gaza civilians, throw him out of power, and start the process of finding peace with the Palestinians on the basis of a two-state solution. The United States has a partner in the Palestinian Authority, which already recognized Israel’s rights to a pre-1967 borders.

What the Gaza war dismissed was the policy that Israel will only survive if it expands its borders to create a cushion of security. There have been many other countries throughout history that reasoned with the same logic only to fail miserably in their quest after exacting the heaviest of tolls in terms of human life and treasure on their own.

Israel is making the same mistake. The Gaza war will change the mindset of its military institutions forever. Just watch the Israeli people come to the same realization, sooner than later.

It is important for the United States, instead of blindly supporting Israel in its quest for the impossible, to address those issues publicly to temper the expectations of the extremists now steering Israel and the Arabs into an abyss. The US has no influence over Hamas or the Islamists terrorizing the region. However, we have the common sense to realize that terror for terror gets us nowhere.

Not today, and certainly not tomorrow.

Netanyahu Is Incapable of Humanity

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