Netanyahu Is The President of the United States

Netanyahu Is The President of the United States
Netanyahu Is The President of the United States

When you watch how impotent Joe Biden looks as the genocidal prime minister of Israel ignores his pleas, you cannot but think that Benjamin Netanyahu is the President of the United States of America. The real behind-the-scene President. Backed by about 250 American Zionist billionaires, Netanyahu is daring Biden or any other institution in America to challenge his genocide on Gaza.

Fellow readers, Israel and its Jewish money fully control America. The Zionist billionaires are funding the expansion of Israel for that moment in history when they know the United States is going to kick them out for breaking the laws and driving the country to the brink of an economic meltdown the way Europe did, and they all would want to make sure they have a state big enough and rich enough they can use to hide.

America is their deep state, and Israel is their sanctuary state when the law catches up to them.

There is a good reason why violent and thieving Jews have been persecuted throughout history, which impacted world Jewry negatively. It stems from never respecting or accepting nationalism over their Jewishness, except when it comes to Israel.

Every American Zionist billionaire funding the mass killing of Palestinians is a High Priest, the same kind who sent Jesus Christ to the cross.

It also shows the chokehold grip some 250 American Zionist billionaires have on the United States as a whole.


After a 40-minute conversation with Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu announced he will not accept ‘international dictates’ to influence his decisions when it comes to the destruction of Gaza and the ethnic cleansing plans he intends to carry out. So much for asking of who is really the real President of the United States of America. Netanyahu, or Biden?

It also shows the chokehold grip some 250 American Zionist billionaires have on the United States as a whole. All of them are daring Biden to stop Netanyahu’s war on the women and children of Palestine. After all, the greater Israel is their escape to country when America finally wakes up to their security risk.

Judging from their extraordinary attempts at stifling the First Amendment rights of every American by equating antisemitism to Zionism, using a clueless Congress as their tool, it is only a question of time before Americans address the control they have over the United States. Right now, Zionism is at its prime time in the United States. However, we believe the Gaza War is the beginning of the end for these bastards to support Israel all the way, even if it harms U.S. interests on the international stage.

Folks, Biden is nothing but a marionette the violent and dangerous American Zionists are pulling his strings.


Remember how Steven Spielberg manifested his ugly Zionism with his early showmanship of supporting Israel’s war on Gaza. Now that the world is witnessing genocide, he has gone quiet. Now that the world is standing against Israeli violence and terror, he is nowhere to be found. Think again if you believe he is not feeling the tide turning against Israel. Even in the U.S.

Netanyahu is acting as if he was the President in the White House because he knows the Zionist billionaires in America have his back. He knows he can rely on AIPAC money to whip any politician to salute Israel first before they salute their own country.

So, why should Netanyahu care when he receives a call from Joe Biden.

Furthermore, do you think the timing of the genocide in Gaza coincided with the 2024 elections? Just as most elected officials need AIPAC and Jewish money? That’s the sad, sad story of the greatest country in the world that a few Zionist bandits hijacked.

Folks, Biden is nothing but a marionette the violent and dangerous American Zionists are pulling his strings.

Netanyahu Is The President of the United States

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