No More Foreign Aid to Start Wars

No More Foreign Aid to Start Wars
American Bombs are Killing Palestinian Children. No More Foreign Aid to Start Wars

If the genocide in Gaza has demonstrated anything to the American people, it is the waste of taxpayers’ money in the service of colonization and the atrocities our money perpetrate against women and children thousands of miles away. America is not a mature enough country yet to understand that its people deserve its full care and attention. As such, any future President must make a promise to the American people that there would be no more foreign aid to start wars. Not in Ukraine, not in Israel, and not anywhere else. Have we not learned from Vietnam and Korea?

If Europe fears Russia, let Europe stand for its own security and defense. Why should the American people pay for someone else’s wars?

The same goes for Israel. If the likes of the genocidal Netanyahu knows the US will not foot his war bills, he would not have committed the genocide in Gaza, which is harming US interests beyond our limits. America’s middle class is suffering too much for our politicians to start wars in foreign countries, instead of spending that wasted money to serve the interests of its own people.

We believe a revolt is coming, which will peg the needs of the American people to come before the needs of the Israelis.


Who is more important? The well-being of an Israeli citizen, or an American one? Exactly. In Israel, a reservist who serves gets a free college education using the $4billion we send to Israel every year. Why can’t our own get a free college education here at home?

We believe a revolt is coming, which will peg the needs of the American people to come before the needs of the Israelis. The Gaza War has opened the eyes of millions of young Americans, and they will be voting for those politicians who will look after them, instead of looking after the citizens of a foreign country. You can bet on that.

AIPAC is not an American entity. Its loyalty is only to Israel and its mission statement is to safeguard Israel, even at US expense. So, when an AIPAC ad, or campaign, touts the close relationship between the U.S. and Israel, do not mistake this indoctrination as if both peoples were one. We are not. They are Israeli Zionists, and we are American capitalists.

No more foreign aid to Israel. No more foreign aid to Ukraine. And no more foreign aid to start wars anywhere around the world.


In fact, Israel has been taking advantage of our generosity for 75 years. During that period, the US has sent Israel over $160 billions in aid. Not counting the almost $20 billions we are sending this year for Israel to execute an illegal and deadly war against women and children.

A revolt is coming when taxpayers are going to force Congress to halt all foreign aid. It has already started among the MAGA crowd, and soon, because of Gaza, it is going to spread like wildfire among the Millennials and the Gen Z crowd.

Enough is enough. We give Israel our money, and it uses it to mass murder civilians. Not only this makes us complicit, but it is harming US interests beyond the comprehension of Joe Biden, whose mind functions only periodically.

No more foreign aid to Israel. No more foreign aid to Ukraine. And no more foreign aid to start wars anywhere around the world.

No More Foreign Aid to Start Wars

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