Non-Interventionist MoveOn.Org Intervenes

Non-Interventionist MoveOn.Org Intervenes

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When non-interventionists intervene, the world looks like standing on its head.

Hundreds of Americans offered on Monday to take Syrian refugees into their homes, saying in an online petition that the United States needed to let in more migrants fleeing civil war.

Very noble of them. But what matters here is who is behind this drive.

Almost 1,300 people had signed the petition on the progressive MoveOn.Org website calling on the United States to lift its limit on Syrian refugees as Europe struggled to cope with record numbers of asylum seekers.

For those who are unfamiliar with MoveOn, they are the largest PAC supporting Barack Obama, the non-interventionist who destroyed Syria because of his non-intervention.

Non-interventionist MoveOn even has a campaign to raise funds for Syrian refugees. Quite noble of them considering they supported a president that created the problem in the first place by ignoring those who committed the atrocities to drive Syrian refugees by the millions.

Not only he ignored them, the non-interventionist Obama blocked any country from supporting the moderates in 2011 to oust Assad just to please the terrorist Mullahs in Tehran.

Juxtaposed to the fund drive is another petition entitled “No Money for War Hawks” committing political contributors to withhold donating funds to any Democrats who are not supporting Barack Obama’s Iran Deal.

You would think there is someone with half a brain at MoveOn would connect the dots between the Iran Deal and the plight of Syrian refugees. You would think someone might wonder, “Wait a minute, if we give Iran $150 billion, it will send some of these funds to Assad who will drive more Syrian refugees from their homes”.

Naaa, that’s too much asking of non-interventionist MoveOn we guess.

The United Nations says 4 million people have fled the fighting since the start of the civil war in 2011. The United States has admitted about 1,500 refugees, and the White House said it was weighing responses to the crisis, including resettlement.

One petition signer, the Reverend Everett Shattuck, 59, a Church of the Brethren minister from Mill Creek, Indiana, said opening his home to refugees was part of the U.S. tradition of welcoming immigrants.

“Plus, we have to share some responsibility for that (war) because of our regime changes in the Middle East. Most of those refugees are a result of that,” Shattuck said, alluding to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Did this man vote for Obama or what? Everything is Bush’s fault. Period. To include Assad driving millions from their homes. Poor Obama, we must protect him from Bush for many years to come still.

Wendie Wilson-Miller, 40, of Studio City, California, said she had signed the petition since the Syrian crisis seemed endless and the plight of refugees increasingly urgent.

The United States, and her family, could afford to help out, said Wilson-Miller, a fertility specialist and mother of two.

“If the United States did open their doors and say, ‘Yes, we’re going to allow more refugees,’ and they needed more families, then I know mine would step up,” she said.

The MoveOn petition said those signing were families, young couples, students, older couples whose children have moved out and others with room for people forced to flee violence in Syria.

One woman, Shannon Lehnert Brown, from Enumclaw, Washington, wrote on the site that she had a mobile home that could be fixed up.

We know something about non-interventionist Americans for sure now. They have a conscience and Barack Obama, another non-interventionist, has none.

Reuters contributed to this article.

Non-Interventionist MoveOn.Org Intervenes


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