Not Convicting Invites Trump to Repeat From the Sideline

Not Convicting Invites Trump to Repeat From the Sideline

Now that the Senate prepares itself to put former President Donald Trump on trial, failure to convict him for insurrection could impact our democracy on a number of wide-ranging issues. For one, not convicting invites Trump to repeat from the sideline, or should he become President again. Not convicting would certainly dictate the actions of future Presidents in addition to sending a clear global message that democracy is inheritably a weak system of government to embrace.

Much is riding on the outcome of this trial; yet, it appears that Republican Senators, like Marco Rubio (R-FL) and the racist Rand Paul (R-KY), are just too shortsighted to see the big picture.

With the exception of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), the tunnel vision we are experiencing in  American politics today is mind blowing. The fear and the cowardice on display makes one grimace with pain. Am I the only person to see how incompetent all these Republican Senators are? They are serving a con man instead of serving their country.

For anyone who cares about our republic, this is too much to take.

If anyone thinks Trump is able to learn his lesson, they should be talking to his niece Mary Trump about the kind of psychopath they are dealing with.


We all watched Donald Trump, over the last five years, act and react to his critics. Would it be safe to say that the man is incorrigible when it comes to acting rationally and non-vindictively? If so, do those Republican Senators know what Trump is thinking or planning if they exonerate him from any accountability? Can they assure the American public that he will not attempt another coup from the sideline? Can they guarantee it?

They are all shortsighted dingbats for not rationally analyzing the outcome of their decision, and for not acting in good faith to uphold the Constitution. If Donald Trump is caught trying again, it’s on their conscious. If they have a conscious.

Many excuse Trump by claiming either he was joking, or he “learned his lesson”. How many times we heard these excuses over the past five years? If anyone thinks Trump is able to learn his lesson, they should be talking to his niece Mary Trump about the kind of psychopath they are dealing with. Honestly, all 50 Republican Senators must consider Trump’s reaction to letting him off the hook because if they don’t, their voters will when Trump takes us again through his dark tunnels of history.

In retrospect, these cowards might as well show some grit and some spine today in order to protect their own shattered legacies.

These are the questions that the Republican Senators are not asking or contemplating. Their fear of crossing Donald Trump is freezing their brains and disabling their responsibilities.


For a moment, we need to put ourselves in the shoes of European leaders struggling to protect their democracies from the likes of Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban. If the great American democracy seems to be faltering because of the action of the Republican Senators, would they consider then, for self-preservation purposes, that NATO can no longer protect them? Would they consider signing startling treaties with our enemies to uphold their own democracies?

The world is watching. What the world sees is not just an unreliable partner in the United States, but also an unreliable system of government that may not have the longevity they believed possible to rely upon. They will see the act of not convicting Donald Trump as one to push our democracy to the limit. Why should they, then, pretend to defend our own institutions? Why should they deal with our government as their security blanket if their own democracies experience an onslaught by Russia?

These are the questions that the Republican Senators are not asking or contemplating. Their fear of crossing Donald Trump is freezing their brains and disabling their responsibilities.

Now comes the time for the public to pressure them to do the right thing, and for the media to highlight their treason against their constitutional duties.

Not Convicting Invites Trump to Repeat From the Sideline

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