Obama  Stubborn Iran Policy is Simply Astonishing

Obama Stubborn Iran Policy is Simply Astonishing

Striking Sunni terror but not Shia terror in Syria
Treasury’s Charge Sees Tehran Enabling al Qaeda in Syria
What Hafez May Have Told Baschar on His Death Bed

Obama stubborn Iran Policy is simply astonishing. We all know the President is a good speaker; and we all know the President has a cult-like following.

To emphasize the latter, I was having dinner with some friends a week ago and they told me how some of the younger generation, they work with at the office, is complaining about the new additional payroll taxes some have to pay; yet in the same breath, the same complainers laud Obama. To me, this sounds like a cult.

But what we did not know is how simple arithmetic to add the numbers of Jihadists who made Syria their home today can faze his mind and cloud his judgment. The President still thinks the solution is to negotiate with Iran. Four years into negotiations everyone knows will lead to nowhere and our President has not learned his lesson. Meanwhile, the number of dead Syrian civilians keep rising in Syria.

Obama stubborn Iran Policy is simply astonishing.

No wonder Assad remains defiant. His best friend in the West just became the next Secretary of State.

Questioning Obama Stubborn Obama Policy

Even this Washington Post latest editorial on Syria is beginning to question Obama’s judgment.

Assad and the U.S. are blind to reality in Syria

SYRIAN PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad delivered a speech Sunday that had the virtue, at least, of offering clarity. No, he insisted, he would not step down. He would not negotiate with the rebels who control much of the countryside and parts of major cities. He would not consider the compromise “transition” proposal being pedaled by a U.N. envoy with the backing of his ally Russia, as well as the United States. Instead, he said, he would fight to the end against “enemies of God and puppets of the West.”

The State Department offered a succinct judgment on Mr. Assad’s hour-long speech, his first in six months: “His initiative is detached from reality, undermines the efforts of [U.N.] Joint Special Representative Lakhdar Brahimi, and would only allow the regime to further perpetuate its bloody oppression of the Syrian people.” After 22 months of protests and civil war in which his regime has steadily lost ground, Mr. Assad is offering the same hollow political formulas and slogans about terrorists that he has clung to all along.

The tragedy is that there is scant sign that Mr. Assad will be compelled to face reality any time soon. Despite their gains, Syria’s rebels continue to lack the heavy weapons necessary to break the regime’s hold over Damascus or to stop the artillery, missiles and planes Mr. Assad is using to pummel cities.With the United States and other Western governments refusing to help, recent reports have said that rebel arms supplies are drying up

Massive Loss of Life in Syria

Last week, U.N. Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay estimated that more than 60,000 people have been killed in Syria, a “massive loss of life [that] could have been avoided if the Syrian government had chosen to take a different path than one of ruthless suppression of what were initially peaceful and legitimate protests by unarmed civilians.” She added:

“Unless there is a quick resolution to the conflict, I fear thousands more will die or suffer terrible injuries as a result of those who harbor the obstinate belief that something can be achieved by more bloodshed, more torture and more mindless destruction.”

The Assad speech made clear that the ruler and his clique remain locked in that belief. But it also illuminated the fecklessness of U.S. policy. The same State Department statement that began by condemning Mr. Assad for undermining Mr. Brahimi concluded by saying that the Obama administration would continue to support the latter’s initiative, along with the “framework for a political solution” that the dictator had just rejected.

Like the Syrian regime, the administration has become impervious to fact or real-world developments.Mr. Assad is not the only one who will bear responsibility for the frightful carnage Ms. Pillay’s agency has documented. As she put it, “the failure of the international community, in particular the [U.N.] Security Council, to take concrete actions to stop the bloodletting, shames us all.” Syrians, she said, have “repeatedly asked:

”Where is the international community? Why aren’t you acting to stop this slaughter? We have no satisfactory answer to those questions. Collectively, we have fiddled at the edges while Syria burns.”

Obama Stubborn Iran Policy is Simply Astonishing


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