Obama To Release Jonathan Pollard Only If Congress …

Obama To Release Jonathan Pollard Only If Congress …

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In dangling a carrot to Congress and AIPAC, Obama officials leaked information to the Wall Street Journal that the administration is about to release Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. The Wall Street Journal reported:

The Obama administration is preparing to release Jonathan Pollard, a U.S. Navy intelligence officer convicted of spying for Israel, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing U.S. officials.

The release would end a decades-long fight between Israel and the United States over Pollard, 60, who was convicted of spying for Israel and sentenced in 1987 to life in prison.

TFS believes this move aimed at releasing Jonathan Pollard will permanently wipe Obama’s slate clean when it comes to his enmity towards Israel while it maintains a bad Iranian deal in place aimed at harming Israel in the long run. Obama can pull the Jonathan Pollard card anytime anyone accuses him of Antisemitism.

This tactical consideration, as far as TFS is concerned, confirms Obama’s Antisemitism in spades and then some. to release Jonathan Pollard during the 60-day review period Congress is contemplating ist support for the Iran deal is a political convenience to serve Obama, not Israel or the Pollard family.

The Wall Street Journal describes the tensions the Jonathan Pollard case has caused between two strong allies:

Such a move would end a decades long fight over Mr. Pollard, who was arrested on charges of spying for Israel in 1985 and later sentenced to life in prison. The case has long been a source of tension between the U.S. and Israel, which has argued that a life sentence for spying on behalf of a close U.S. partner is too harsh. For decades, Israel has sought Mr. Pollard’s early release only to be rejected by the U.S.

Now, some U.S. officials are pushing for Mr. Pollard’s release in a matter of weeks. Others expect it could take months, possibly until his parole consideration date in November. Some U.S. officials strongly denied Friday there was any link between the Iran deal and Mr. Pollard’s prospective release, saying that any release decision would be made by the U.S. Parole Commission.

All Obama is trying to do is influence a very doubtful Congress whose support for his Iran deal is waning. The administration hopes releasing Jonathan Pollard will soften a Congress in full support of Israel.

The response we will get from Congress in the next few days should provide us with an indication how successful Obama’s tactic is.

At TFS, we are betting Obama would release Jonathan Pollard ONLY if Congress signs off on his Iran deal or the Obama administration receives assurances of Israel’s backing of the US-Iran deal.

This is how desperate Obama has become to score a win.

Congress and pro-Israel Americans should proceed with caution.

Obama To Release Jonathan Pollard Only If Congress …


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