Of Oppressed Blacks and Entitled Racist Whites

Of Oppressed Blacks and Entitled Racist Whites
Of Oppressed Blacks and Entitled Racist Whites

Next time you are driving your car in a busy metropolis, and you come across a pedestrian crossing, observe this reality. Black people stop and look to make sure you are allowing them to cross, while white people just charge into the lane expecting you to stop on a dime. This microcosm of our culture also applies to our legal system. In certain parts of America, we have two justice systems. One in many states that dispenses harsh sentences against the oppressed blacks, and the other, which provides refuge to entitled racist whites who engineered the system.

Even when white racists face real justice, they believe they could still go scot-free because they know the system has been rigged in their favor. Look no further than Donald Trump.

Observe how nonchalant Donald Trump has become to the notion that he could be indicted for crimes he has committed. To him and his supporters, who feel entitled to break the law, this is a badge of honor they wear. Trump in an orange jumpsuit, or Trump in a black suit, is all the same for some 30 million voters who couldn’t care less about the rule of law because they will still vote for him no matter what laws he broke.

Oh, the power of persistent racism in America!

To fix this problem, we must first fix systemic racism in America. A country that the racists built on the premise of exploitation and profiteering.


The fact Trump is flaunting the law and challenging prosecutors to indict him is the story of America’s justice system. To the former President, he will use any indictment for two purposes. The first is to play the victim, something Donald Trump has mastered, as have millions of white racists in this country. Secondly, to raise money to line up his own pockets.

Meanwhile, it is our country that suffers the consequences when some believe they are above the law. Trust in our system of justice is an essential component to a fair and equitable society, without which most Americans would revolt against. Any wonder why our trust in our own government keeps slipping!!!

America is in the hot seat today. Indict Trump and pay a price, and don’t indict him and pay a steeper price. How did our young country come to this crossroad? Why did we let the white racists control their destinies, while we let everyone else, the poor and the helpless, blow in the wind like dead leaves? To fix this problem, we must first fix systemic racism in America. A country that the racists built on the premise of exploitation and profiteering.

All Americans voting is the answer to the exploitative policies plaguing our politics. In fact, if more people voted, we would put an end to perpetuating corruption.


How many people must die at the hands of overzealous police officers before our Congress passes the laws necessary to control police urges for violence against civilians? Not one day goes by in our country without the death of an innocent black man at the hands of the authorities, and not one day goes by without watching white racists escaping culpability. Remember Kyle Rittenhouse?

Furthermore, Trump would not suffer today the consequences of his actions had he not made so many enemies before, during, and after the presidency. The man is a walking vampire, sucking the blood of anyone that stands in his way.

Even if Trump eventually faces justice, he is already using his wrongdoings to advance the possibility of more menace to our society and country in the future. A presidential candidate who has to face an indictment is but normal in today’s political environment in the U.S. How did we get to this point is the question we all must ask.

Did we slip into that mode of the two justice systems of oppressed blacks and privileged racist whites? Or, was that by design from the start?

All Americans voting is the answer to the exploitative policies plaguing our politics. In fact, if more people voted, we would put an end to perpetuating corruption.

Of Oppressed Blacks and Entitled Racist Whites

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