Policing in America is a Mafia Parading as Law and Order

Policing in America is a Mafia Parading as Law and Order

Ask any mobster what the code of silence meant among the ranks of the Mafia, and he would tell you it was an essential component of their conduct. You talked, you paid a price. Guess which other group in America follows the same mobster-like rules? Policing in America is a Mafia parading as law and order. Am I condemning all those serving in the police? You damn right I am. Because if you don’t step up and rat out the White Supremacist killers and murderers in your ranks, you are as guilty and as complicit in their crimes. That’s how bad policing has become in America.

We have tons of evidence of Police Departments across this country covering up crimes, lying on witness stands, falsifying evidence and documents, and planting guns to mask their assassinations. Just like a Mafia would do to protect its members from the extent of the law. How could anyone trust and admire such behavior? How could the Police behavior project confidence in our own government?

Now I am aware this Blog might get me some flack for its aggressiveness, but honestly, ask yourself how many times do you have to read, or watch a video, about some policeman or another killing innocent black people before you realize this is no longer an institution about law and order. It is a violent Mafia of hit men parading as law and order.

Here is the latest death. Watch it and weep.

The police force in the U.S. has become an institution of murderers and killers, which poses as one to serve and protect. And if you are a good policeman who protects the killers through silence, then you are as complicit. No brownie points for you.


Those two policemen chose to confront a jaywalker with the intent to kill him. And if you believe, for a second, that he tried to get hold of the policeman’s gun while an instant before, he was trying to avoid a confrontation, you are as gullible as they come. This is the new tactic of these Mafiosi posing as law and order to protect and serve. Hold a suspect down, muzzle his mouth, scream for all to hear that he’s got your gun, then shoot him point blank twice to make sure he is dead. All the while hiding with your body your sinister act.

Then stand up and be proud of yourself for fulfilling your obligation to the White Supremacist order you secretly belong to while pissing on the “protect and serve” part of your job.

The police force in the U.S. has become an institution of murderers and killers, which poses as one to serve and protect. And if you are a good policeman who protects the killers through silence, then you are as complicit in their murders. No brownie points for your miserable ass.

Invariably, if we don’t blast the whole institutional rot, then nothing will change. Because it seems to me that the killing of George Floyd led to nothing more than lip service. Why? Because cities have yet to dismantle their bastions of corruption: The fraternities and the unions governing police communities across this country. They are mostly run by violent Mafia White Supremacist bosses who pose as law abiding citizens.

The worst part? Nothing will happen to those two policemen. They assassinated an innocent black man, in bright daylight, because our justice system is also a hotbed of White Supremacist judges and prosecutors. All in support of their front line Mafia hit men.

Let us never forget that among those who stormed the Capitol were members of the Police force.


Let us never forget that among those who stormed the Capitol were members of the Police force. They did so not because they could not distinguish right from wrong, but because they know they are part of an institution that breaks the laws all the time and goes unpunished. All of those who stormed the Capitol knew this was just like killing an innocent black man. No repercussion, with total impunity.

If our politicians do not realize how a runaway Mafia Police force can also turn against the State any time in the future, then we need to replace them. By letting the labor unions and the benevolent fraternities — No kidding, that’s what they call themselves — use the law to become an institution of killers and murderers, we are committing our own democracy to self-suicide. This first fault line where people meet police will eventually explode into something more sinister, and it is highly possible that the George Floyd uprising were the tremors before the real volcano erupts.

And please no sob stories about the benevolent work of police. The last one came out of Philadelphia when the Police Union there used the photo of a black toddler as propaganda after the police assaulted her mother. If this not a Mafia-like behavior, then you need to change your weed dealer.

This is not an absolutist Blog. The majority of police men and women are good honorable people; however, the rot is so deep and so prevalent, we must start all over again by rebuilding a better Police force. From the grounds up with the real goal to protect and serve.


Some unions fight back to remain a den of killers by threatening not to police our streets.

I can write, like everyone else does, about the need to reform Police. But, I am not going to do this anymore. How can you reform the Mafia? How can you reform the rot that has settled into the deep belly of this beast? I say, blow it all up, and start anew. The mindset, the culture, and the power hunger have taken control of our Police Departments. We need to fire their assess off, clip the Unions’ wings and amputate their arms and legs, write new Federal Laws to force the States to act in return for Federal money, and then build the police force from the grounds up.

Anything less, we are just kicking this can, which has already shown its propensity to attack the Federal Government directly.

Policing in America is a Mafia Parading as Law and Order

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