President Trump Brave Decision to Target Iranian Leadership

President Trump Brave Decision to Target Iranian Leadership

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Many have been calling for a timely and deadly response to the Iranian regime one-flew-over-the-cuckoo’s-nest rampage across the Middle East. Ever since the previous president invited the terrorist regime in Tehran to take control of the region through a surrender document he called the Iran Deal. Today, President Trump brave decision to target the Iranian leadership sends a very powerful signal to Khamenei.

“By far, this is the most powerful message delivered to Iran since 1979. Bravo President Trump!”

It’s a clear message that terror will be met with defensive measures to protect the United States and its interests. Breaching our embassy as a reminder of what Iran did to our diplomats in 1979 was a gargantuan mistake. In days, al-Muhandis, the architect of the embassy breach, died in regret. By far, this is the most powerful message delivered to Iran since 1979. Bravo President Trump!

Did you get the message Ayatollah Khamenei? Go ahead and plan another attack against the U.S. to see your own personal home blown up to pieces.


While not so obvious, people across the Middle East are celebrating the U.S. attack. Whether you live in Syria where Soleimani killed your sons and daughters, or whether you live in Lebanon afraid to stand-up to the Hezbollah terror, people are celebrating the demise of one of the most sordid terror figures of this century.

In most of the gulf countries, people who have suffered because their family members died in vain in Yemen are also celebrating. Iran backed the Houthis of Yemen in a bid to take over the country. It resulted in the Gulf states taking defensive measures to protect against Iran flanking them in the south. The war, to this day, grinds on because of Soleimani’s strategies and tactics. No more after the U.S. strike.

“Responding to terror projects America’s superpower status across oceans. What Russia!”

However, no one is celebrating the death of Qassem Soleimani like the Israelis. For over 20 years, Soleimani has been haunting Israel by arming and equipping Hezbollah in Lebanon with deadly long-range missiles. And although his death will not decrease the pressure Hezbollah is able to exert on Israel, his departure from the scene has multiple cascading effects one of which is the demoralizing factor to Hezbollah fighters. Whomever Iran selects to replace him will have to fly under the radar all his life or live in a bunker. Both diminish Hezbollah’s readiness and threats.


For a president who has demonstrated amply his reluctance to intervene in international conflicts, his brave decision to strike at the heart of the Khamenei terror machine is something to admire. His tweet showing the American flag, in response to the strike, makes every American proud. As far as we are concerned, America should never stand down when facing fire from her enemies; no matter the consequences. Responding to terror projects America’s superpower status across oceans. What Russia!

This single decision has ushered the U.S. back into the Middle East big time. Just when it looked like Russia and Iran were the dominant players in the region. Not anymore. The U.S. missiles that struck the Soleimani convoy at Baghdad airport carried a bullhorn of sort. It blared the words: “Never underestimate our resolve. Never threaten U.S. troops again. Never plan attacks against our people.”

Besides the terrorists in the region who heard the words loud and clear, President Obama also heard them. If it was not for his Iran Deal, Iran would still be planning unsuccessfully to terrorize innocent Arab civilians.

Bravo President Trump.

President Trump Brave Decision to Target Iranian Leadership


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