Psychopath Mitch McConnell Angry Threats

Psychopath Mitch McConnell Angry Threats

There is no white figure in U.S. politics today who is angrier than Mitch McConnell as he threatened a scorched-earth Senate in the wake of the Democrats discussing killing the filibuster rule. He lost his Senate Majority seat as he coattailed Donald Trump racist policies, and he is watching on the sideline, angrier than ever, as the Democrats rammed down his throat the American Rescue Plan. You have to remember that McConnell is not used to playing second fiddle. Since 2015, he has been the Senate Majority Leader, a post he cherished for providing him oversized powers, which he abused by letting some 395 Senate Bills languish in limbo during his tenure. In fact, we should all take very seriously the psychopath Mitch McConnell angry threats. The last one by a white angry man caused an insurrection.

I know many psychopaths who think similarly. Their mothers never did breast-feed them. Assad of Syria comes to mind as the first one to apply the scorched-earth tactic.

We all have seen when many angry old white men of Protestant stock do when they don’t get their toys. It’s extreme violence in one form or another. Ask the surviving WWII German veterans.


When word spread that Democrats were discussing abolishing the racist filibuster Senate rule, Mitch McConnell hit the roof. He threatened a “scorched-earth Senate” response that would impact the country as a whole. Who would do that but a psychopath? Who would damn their own country because they can’t get their way?

Senator Chuck Schumer never threatened the Senate with similar threats when he was a minority leader at a time McConnell was blocking hundreds of legislation. It goes to show you the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant privilege in America. They would be willing to burn down the country and its institutions, as Trump’s insurrection demonstrated amply, when they lose control of the levers of powers. Only psychopaths act in this manner.

McConnell exact words were:

Let me say this very clearly for all 99 of my colleagues: nobody serving in this chamber can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched-earth Senate would look like.Yahoo News - Zachary Evans 03/16/2021

The man is 100% Kentucky horse-bottle fed. The media should not let him off the hook so easily for his angry rhetoric. We all have seen when many angry old white men of Protestant stock do when they don’t get their toys. It’s extreme violence in one form or another. Ask the surviving WWII German veterans.

I would like to see some wealthy Americans step up to the plate to buy billboards in Kentucky that read “It’s not your House to scorch, Mr. McConnell”.


We all come to hate politics and politicians because of people like the psychopath Mitch McConnell. No shame, no morals, and no principles. Just raw power for the sake of exercising it like the psychopath that he is.

Almost four months since the Insurrection, and echos of violent behavior are reverberating on the Capitol’s floor once again. These white angry men cannot get over the fact that two Catholics and a Jew control the levers of power in Washington today. Just like a fish out of water, they are jumping and flipping with anger they can hardly contain.

Americans should never allow one man in the Senate to make such threats. It is not his House to scorch in the first place, and we should all band together to remind him of this very small detail a psychopath usually overlooks.

I would like to see some wealthy Americans step up to the plate to buy billboards in Kentucky that read “It’s not your House to scorch, Mr. McConnell”. Let us remind real Americans that threatening to scorch the Senate not only is unpatriotic, but is also psychotic.

If we don’t fight back McConnell with fire and brimstone through the media, he will concoct a way to avenge his loss to a patriotic American Jewish Senator who has never threatened the people’s house. You can see it coming a mile away.

Psychopath Mitch McConnell Angry Threats

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