Putin Is Committing War Crimes Against Humanity in Syria

Putin Is Committing War Crimes Against Humanity in Syria

France Doubts Putin Will Strike ISIS
West Will Pay Dearly For Letting Putin Control Syria
While Putin Bombs Syrian Civilians, IS Expands Territorial Gains

While Barack Obama naps under a tree and John Kerry joins the Bolshoy theater as a Russian ballerina, Putin is committing war crimes against humanity in Syria by deliberately targeting marketplaces busy with civilians.

Air strikes have been carried out by Russian warplanes killed scores of people in the center of the rebel-held city of Idlib in northwest Syria on Sunday, rescue workers and residents said. Not one official in the Obama administration or the United Nations, supposedly working for humanity, has condemned the mass murderer Vladimir Putin even though he has killed more civilians in Syria in 3 months than ISIS killed in 3 years.  

They said at least six strikes had hit a busy market place in the heart of the city, several government buildings and residential areas. Rescue workers said they had confirmed 43 dead but that at least 30 more civilian bodies had been retrieved that had still to be identified. Over 150 civilians were wounded with some of the serious cases sent to hospitals in Turkey.

Yasser Hammo, a civil defense worker, said via an Internet messaging system

“There are a lot of corpses under the rubble.”

He confirmed that volunteers and civil defense workers were still pulling bodies out.

Footage on social media and the pro-opposition Orient TV station showed makeshift ambulances rushing with injured civilians through an area where people were searching for survivors among the debris of collapsed buildings.

One local resident, Sameh al-Muazin, said he had seen mangled bodies in the main Jalaa street of the city, adding that people feared a further round of intensive bombing.

“Everyone is afraid that this is just the beginning,” he said.

Idlib, the capital of a northwestern province of the same name, became an important center for rebel-controlled northwest Syria after it was captured earlier this year by a coalition of Islamist groups and Free Syrian Army rebels. Russia has been targeting the moderate Free Syrian Army the psychopath Assad fears the most.

Reuters contributed to this article.

Putin Is Committing War Crimes Against Humanity in Syria


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