Putin is Feasting on the Weakness of the U.S. Administration

Putin is Feasting on the Weakness of the U.S. Administration
Putin is Feasting on the Weakness of the U.S. Administration

At the U.S. State Department, even junior desk officers know this fact: Putin understands but the language of force and violence. Yet, this U.S. administration and its diplomats, especially Wendy Sherman, cannot help but almost beg to seek peace with a man they know well is not interested in one. This makes the United States look very weak. Indeed, Putin is feasting on the weakness of the U.S. administration and it seems to be working like a charm. In his guts, the Russian dictator knows America’s response to Ukrainian invasion will be timid, disconnected, and irresolute. Almost bordering on cowardly.

That’s the problem with appeasers. They simply have no guts, ergo no solution, to deal with the likes of Putin, which we all witnessed in 2014 when the Russian strongman just rolled over Barack Obama to annex the Crimea in the Ukraine. At the time, Obama, wrongly, predicted dire military defeat for the Russian Army. Biden is emulating the same script today. Lessons unlearned.

I guess if you cannot intimidate violent dictators with the cheer strength of your personality backed by the most powerful military on the planet, you can always try and scare them with hollow words.

Putin’s determination is no match to Biden’s lack of to stop Russia besides the threats of toothless sanctions.


I have this uneasy feeling that when Vladimir Putin invades the Ukraine, our President is just going to simply threaten some more, but without ever sinking his teeth into Putin’s neck to stop the Russian aggression. Biden might simply come to the conclusion that “it’s done and there is nothing we can do about it now”. An attitude that Putin knows appeasers always manifest when confronted with an uncomfortable situation.

Folks, we might as well kiss the Ukraine goodbye. Putin’s determination is no match to Biden’s lack of to stop Russia besides the threats of toothless sanctions.

Sanctions are not the answer to Putin. The United States has sanctions in place against many countries and it’s all a charade because they don’t work. It’s our way of saying “we are tough”.

Please stop begging Putin and prepare to defend the Ukraine, using our hardware and not soldiers, to defeat him and his armies. This is our chance to showcase what almost $800 Billions buy for America’s strength and durability.

My hope is that the President has learned the 2014 Putin lesson when he was our Vice-President. My hope he has the guts to throw everything he can at Putin to teach him a hard lesson. Genuinely, this is America’s opportunity to bury Putin for good.

This is why we must defend the country [Ukraine] with everything we have to stop Putin from his expansionist, empire-building state of mind.


Everyone should watch this Ali Velshi segment on MSNBC in which he describes the real motives behind Putin’s invasion. If you are a student of history, the same reason applied during Hitler’s early years of invading Europe when, in the name of protecting ethnic Germans in the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia, the European leaders, at the time, bent to Hitler’s demands by giving him the green light to invade the country.

What followed was World War II.

Putin, if allowed to invade the Ukraine, under the same pretexts, might lead us to another big war in Europe. This is why we must defend the country with everything we have to stop Putin from his expansionist, empire-building state of mind.

Biden might be incapable of comprehending that his personae, his political negotiations skills, and his peaceful approach with regard to Putin is like giving Aspirin to a cancer patient.


The question I have is whether Joe Biden is up to the task. Or is he another Neville Chamberlain appeaser unwilling to see the big picture because of his noticeable hesitation to show U.S. strength. The fact Joe Biden is seeking a summit with Putin tells me he really does not understand Putin’s motives. Biden might be incapable of comprehending that his personae, his political negotiations skills, and his peaceful approach with regard to Putin is like giving Aspirin to a cancer patient.

Biden’s political position does not hold the secret to Putin’s ambitions. Only our military hardware the Ukraine may have access to can put an end to Putin’s invasion. Putin must see a defeat stare him in the face in Ukraine for him to pause, and no negotiations, no matter how sincere and laced with threats of sanctions, are going to stop him.

I worry if our diplomats have not yet come to this conclusion. I worry when I see them all scramble to stop Putin, either through hollow threats, or the possibility they might yield to his demands just as Europe yielded to Adolf Hitler.

Putin is Feasting on the Weakness of the U.S. Administration

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