Sadist Assad Waited for Freezing Weather to Attack Civilians

Sadist Assad Waited for Freezing Weather to Attack Civilians

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The Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky, in “The Brothers Karamazov“, wrote a passage that Russians must think of when judging Vladimir Putin. He wrote: “I love mankind, he said, “but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular”. When reading it, one cannot help but reflect upon today’s Syrian tragedy. In particular, how the sadist Assad waited for freezing weather to attack civilians in the Idlib region. He could have done it last summer or waited for this coming spring or summer.

Can you be any sicker? Can you be more psychotic and deranged? 

A story filed by The Associated Press on this matter put the Assad, Putin, and Khamenei terrorizing tactics in perspective. It wrote:

A military offensive on an opposition-controlled region of northwestern Syria has created one of the worst catastrophes for civilians in the country’s long-running war, sending hundreds of thousands of people fleeing, many of them sleeping in open fields and under trees in freezing temperatures.


This is what the Assad regime of terror represents. This is who Vladimir Putin, another barbaric Neanderthal, enjoys experiencing. And foremost, this is what the degenerate Ayatollah Khamenei, as a devout Muslim who fears God, thinks will transport him to Heaven. By driving 800,000 innocent civilians out of their homes. Many to sleep in the open in freezing weather conditions.

Then some wonder why are we so tough against Vladimir Putin (The sick Republicans), and why are we so tough against the Iranian regime (The sick Democrats). Would it occur to admirers of the Assad, Putin, and Khamenei killing machine that they can unleash their terror on other people? If these three mice of men can kill and torture hundreds of thousands of civilians, they can torture Americans and Israelis just the same. But don’t tell that to Tehran Kerry (i.e. John Kerry). His brain cannot process as fast as others.

In the midst of our humanity lie a sadist, a degenerate, and a barbaric Neanderthal all ever so eager to kill civilians en masse. All willing to drive women and children from their homes under inhuman conditions. The three mice of men feel fulfilled in perpetrating crimes against humanity. It is their mission. It is whom Dostoyevsky referred to in his book when describing “man”.


Should it come as a surprise to all of us that besides few quotes and remarks, here and there, there is almost complete silence on the illegal humanitarian actions of the three mice of men? Everyone is willing to say something, but no one, except Turkey, is willing to do something.

Grant you Turkey is acting for its own self interests. It cannot accept another 3 million Syrian refugees fleeing Idlib from the terror being perpetrated against them. But what if Turkey opens the flood gates of these Syrian refugees to head towards Europe? It might help Putin, but also Turkey.

Why can’t world leaders act in unison to stop the genocide of Assad, Putin and Khamenei? Is it because they are afraid that a loose bunch of Islamists fighting in Idlib might take over the country? Which is an impossibility given their support systems spin around an Ak-47. Is it because they don’t want to confront the terror of the three mice? or is it because the Genocide is inflicted upon Muslims?

Maybe it is because they want to teach Turkey a lesson for its attacks on the Kurds by driving waves of Syrian refugees toward its borders.

Or maybe it is just apathy, pure and simple. The apathy of Dostoyevsky’s “man”.

Sadist Assad Waited for Freezing Weather to Attack Civilians



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