It seems the SAA has been able to acquire a certain quantity of arms smuggled from neighboring countries whose governments are unwilling this time around to let the Assad family survive no matter the costs. In the last 2 days, fighting in Eastern Syria on the Iraqi borders has noticeably increased.
The arms have been paid for courtesy of some wealthy individuals in the Gulf who believe this is a war against Muslim Sunnis.
Some of the arms smuggled, if true, will impact the war-like theater in Syria in a dramatic fashion. Those acquiring the arms are cultivated in the art. Prior to their full purchase, a sample of these arms were tested on the field over the last 3 weeks and few charred Syrian tanks bear witness to this truth.
The Syrians behind the fund raising and arm purchasing for this new homegrown militia are the ones who truly control the street today. Not the SNC, not the FSA, and not any other opposition group.
Even those who started out as street protesters and organized the Local Coordination Committees have transformed themselves from civilian activists to angry warriors. Today, about 50% of the Local Coordination Committees are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood in regions they have strongly manifested themselves in the past such as Hama, Aleppo, and Homs. ÂÂ
The SAA’s total dislike for the SNC and the Muslim Brotherhood leads me to believe they will resist any attempt to join any pre-fabricated or opportunistic Syrian opposition. If they truly own the street, they intend to keep it that way. How true this is will be known to the world in the next 2 weeks according to their leadership.
Given this information, it would be premature for the western governments to support the SNC so conclusively.ÂÂ
(End Part 2)