Satan Disguises Himself as an Angel of Light

Satan Disguises Himself as an Angel of Light
Satan Disguises Himself as an Angel of Light

In 2 Corinthians 11:14, it says “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”. On the Truth Social, Trump made a statement that reminds us of Jesus Christ dying for our sins. He declared: “I’m being indicted for you”. Implicitly, this is Trump Christian martyrdom messages he is sending his supporters to implicitly declare himself a Prophet and their savior. Trump, the devil, is disguising himself as an angel of light.

This is how Trump intends to win in 2024 by playing on the Christian beliefs this country has long embraced. Even though Jesus Christ never raped women, never embezzled money from his followers, and never threatened anyone with violence. Go figure, the American ignorant voter.

This explains the reasons his followers won’t quit on him. They truly believe he is their prophet, rising to save them from evil when Donald Trump represents evil itself. He is the devil who has cuddled the image of Christ and whose purpose is power to spread evil. Pure, and simple.

We just can’t rely on Trump supporters to grow a brain between now and November 2024.


The Democrats, unfortunately, have yet to call Trump for his Christian bluff. What’s wrong with a political ad for 2024 in which the DNC plays on that Christian tune by pointing out Trump’s failures and illegal activities. “Did Jesus Christ rape women?” should be the title of the commercial. We must shake the American people from their ignorant slumber.

Trump is the devil incarnate, and not an angel of light as he wants the American people to believe.

The Democrats, after Trump has secured the GOP nomination (If he does), should flood the airwaves in the toss-up states, and even in the southern States where Trump has the most support.

We must call him for who he is. We must, relentlessly and consistently, label him as the devil posing as an angel of light. If we don’t draw attention to his deceptions, he will get into the White House again.

We just can’t rely on Trump supporters to grow a brain between now and November 2024.

Satan Disguises Himself as an Angel of Light

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