Should Jordan Rule Gaza?

Should Jordan Rule Gaza
Should Jordan Rule Gaza?

What happens after the demise of Hamas remains a thorny issue that the world community must come to grip with. For the extremist Israel government to claim it wants control would only lead to a situation where settlers begin to move unto Gaza the same ways they now occupy almost one-third of the West Bank. It is not a viable solution, by any means. So the question we should start asking ourselves: Should Jordan rule Gaza to rebuild a nation state fashioned after Jordan itself, peaceful in its aspirations and forward-looking in its design?

Many would be able to answer such a question if the right conditions existed for Jordan to carry-on the task, which would come with some serious financial assistance from the world community, in addition to serious long-term commitments from Israel. .

There could be no peace ever as long as the extremist settlers believe God has offered them the West Bank on a silver platter.


There is a total solution to the dilemma in that part of the world that may satisfy both Israeli and Palestinian interests. As well as Jordan embracing the challenge, once again, to help secure a better future for all the people in the region. King Abdullah of Jordan is more than capable to manage this endeavor should it become a reality. The Jordanian monarch has proven to be a skilled politician and diplomat at every opportunity.

What might these conditions be, one must ask, for Jordan to take that responsibility?

First and foremost, one would believe, that it has to be a total solution to include the fate of the West Bank and the deconstruction of hundreds of settlements. There could be no peace ever as long as the extremist settlers believe God has offered them the West Bank on a silver platter. Their next target, as one would imagine, would be Jordan itself, they already call Gilead, because they claim that Jews populated regions east of the Jordan River in ancient times.

The West Bank is just a bus stop for them.

Jordan, if the right financial conditions prevailed, would never allow any fringe Palestinian entity to practice terror ever again. Real security for real lands. 


As we all know, there is no logic or reason one can strike with these extremist idiots. If they are willing to multiply as fast as they can to populate as many lands as they can grab, there is no political solution they would accept short of occupying lands beyond the West Bank, as well. Because of intentional high births rates, they are all practicing a form of Lebensraum under the guise of God given Jewish rights.

Therefore, the West Bank should be part of the deal, which means expulsion and re-populating efforts. Under that scenario, the Israelis, and the Palestinians may finally find the peace they deserve, as proven by Jordan’s peaceful co-existence with the State of Israel. Jordan, if the right financial conditions prevailed, would never allow any fringe Palestinian entity to practice terror ever again. Real security in return for real lands by people from the same faith and heritage, and not by a pseudo-European entity dictating to a civilization they know little about.  

A Jordanian protectorate is our answer for Gaza under the right conditions, compromises, and true leadership. Netanyahu and his extremist government cannot be part of this solution because their goals diverge conclusively from peace and concessions.

We do believe Jordan should announce its willingness to help Gaza rise again to become a peaceful entity willing to co-exist with Israel. That would surely develop into a global pressure campaign for Israel to submit to peace, and to put an end to Joe Biden’s lending his hand for Israel to kill tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians.

Should Jordan Rule Gaza?

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