Similarities Between Trumpism and Assadism

Similarities Between Trumpism and Assadism

Assad Owns Moscow Apartments Worth $40m
When EU and US Companies Break Laws
Assad Family Two Large Sources of Revenues

We are betting that you never asked yourself this important question lately: What are the the similarities between Trumpism and Assadism. One represents the ideology of the voted President of the greatest country, and the other represents the ideology of a self-imposed President of the most barbaric country since Hitler’s Germany.

Wonder no more why Trump wants to leave Syria for Assad, Iran, and Russia; even though he calls himself a staunch supporter of Israel.

Let us take a closer look.

Trumpism vs. Assadism

The similarities between Donald Trump and Baschar al-Assad of Syria
On IslamAssad hates Sunni MuslimsTrump hates ALL Muslims
On law and orderAssad police kills innocent citizensPolice, encouraged by Trump racism, also kills innocent citizens
On jailsAssad locks-up childrenTrump locks-up children
On death in jailsAssad racism intentionally kills opponents in jailsTrump racism kills indirectly minorities in jails
On taxesAssad pays no taxesUntil he proves it, Trump also pays no or little taxes
On corruptionAssad pilfers Syria's treasuryTrump would pilfer treasury if he could
On ears to the groundAssad is clueless about the poor in SyriaTrump is clueless about the poor in America
On honestyAssad lies about almost everythingTrump lies about almost everything
On slaveryAssad wants Syrian refugees to return to enslave themTrump wants foreign refugees to be enslaved by their own governments
On supremacyAssad believes the Alawites are a supreme raceTrump believes the whites are a supreme race
On NazismAssad has adopted Nazi-like culture of his own makingTrump has adopted the Nazis in America
On government controlsAssad controls the parliamentTrump, through his billionaire status, controls U.S. Congress
On egoAssad believes he is the best president everTrump believes he is the best president ever
On looksAssad is a Middle Easterner with Germanic eyes (i.e. blue)Trump is Germanic with Middle East eyes (i.e. black)
On rulingAssad could not rule Syria without Russian interferenceTrump could not rule America without Russian interference
On RussiaAssad looks up to Vladimir PutinTrump looks up to Vladimir Putin
On loveThe same fascist neo-Nazis that love Assad also love TrumpThe same fascist neo-Nazis that love Trump also love Assad
On gradesAssad was a failure as an ophthalmologist student. His father paid to have him graduate.Trump was a failure as a student. We believe his father paid to have him graduate.
On wealthAssad inherited an immense fortune he exhausted by waging a warTrump inherited an immense fortune he exhausted through bad deals
On educationAssad provides Syrian youth with bad education the rich avoidTrump tolerates American youth paying for expensive education the poor cannot afford
On despotismAssad empowers the Syrian oligarch millionaires controlling the Syrian economyTrump empowers the American oligarch billionaires controlling the American economy
On nepotismAssad's family directs and channels his corruptionTrump family directs and channels his corruption


Of course, there are many unimportant dissimilarities. However, on what counts to the public, both in Syria and in the United States, similarities between Trumpism and Assadism are becoming ever so obvious.

Could this explain why Trump has abandoned all efforts to help Syria rise from the ashes of its barbaric ruler?

We know the president does not want to spend unnecessary funds pursuing mirages in far away lands. But then he was willing to spend taxpayers money on North Korea; and while its nuclear threat is reason enough for this policy, should not Assad chemical use, which he can direct against Israel in a missile, not also be of grave concern to the president? Enough to save Syria from the Assad virus once and for all?

Maybe Trump would have if his priorities were in order. Such as ignoring his instincts that building a Trump Tower in Moscow has priority over the well-being of Israel.

Wonder no more why Trump loves despotic regimes and authoritarian rulers. It is in his blood to become one to pilfer at will and to pay no taxes at all. Grant you, Trump never praised the savagery of Assad the way Tulsi Gabbard and Dennis Kucinich did. But then we know that Trump believes that a Damascus Trump Tower is not a goal of his.

Had it been, Trump would forgive Assad brutal trespasses the way he forgave Saudi Mohammad bin Salman’s barbarism. Riyadh Trump Tower? Don’t be surprised if Mohammad bin Salman builds it for Trump in 2021 to thank him for standing by his brutality.

Similarities Between Trumpism and Assadism


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