Solidarity against extreme Islam

Solidarity against extreme Islam

When we elect an ignorant president
A Muslim and a Jew in the Desert Meet a Muslim Brotherhood
Saudi Arabia, It’s Your Turn

In the clash of civilizations between Christianity and Islam, January 7, 2015 may be marked as a turning point in ways that we are just beginning to understand.

The terror attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris took the lives of France’s brightest. It mesmerized us. It galvanized the world. Unexpectedly.

Danish Jyllands-Posten printed Mohammad. Theo van Gogh depicted Islam. South Park created “Cartoons Wars part II“. One murdered in cold blood, one is in hiding, and Comedy Central censored South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone (Comedy Cowardly more like it).

Molly Norris, a cartoonist, called on “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day” in support of South Park. The FBI told her to change her name and go in hiding. That wimpy FBI is our shame.

None, however, caught the world so unprepared than Charlie Hebdo terror attack. Is it because of the senseless killing and death? Or, is it because we are tired of watching Neanderthals dictate to the rest of us what we should do or not do?

None of Charlie Hebdo artists were soldiers. They were civilians expressing themselves the way anyone of us could when we order coffee at Starbucks, or when we choose to fly rather than drive to our destination.

We all saw this act of terror as an act against our own freedom of choice and freedom of expression. It connected all of us. Terror is no longer a subject any generation could ignore. Adieu the politically correct.

This solidarity against extreme Islam is a turning point for Islam. It has awakened a giant in all of us.

Political correctness is in the garbage. Appeasement is negative votes as of January 7, 2015. Fence sitters, the world over, have joined the camp of logic and reason. Our tolerance has reached its breaking point. Of course, this does not apply to Barack Obama who did not join other world leaders in Paris in solidarity against Islamic terror. Go figure what this anomaly of a man is thinking. This bad choice will stick with him for a long time.

I guarantee you, Obama is by now as much hated by France as the terrorists.

The world will be far more responsive to terror as of January 7. Watch out Hamas, Assad, al-Qaeda, and Iran. The world is on its toes. Charlie Hebdo may have sparked the end of terror. The beginning of the end of the clash of civilizations.

If world leaders unquestionably unite against Islamic terror, we may begin the process of defeating terror for good.

As former Senator Joseph Lieberman wrote in a WSJ Op-Ed in solidarity against extreme Islam:

“.. the civilized nations of the world must acknowledge that we are at war with violent Islamist extremism and that as long as these extremists continue to recruit, attack and expand territorially, the civilized world will continue to lose and the number and frequency of attacks like those in France will increase.”

Barack Obama did not get this memo. Therefore, to defeat terrorism, all we have to do is keep Barack Obama on the golf course with his billionaire buddies.

“Je Suis Charlie”

Solidarity against extreme Islam


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