Stand Up to White Supremacy, Stand By America’s Minorities

Stand Up to White Supremacy. Stand By America's Minorities

Whether you are a native Indian, black, or Asian. Whether you are Jewish, Catholic, or Muslim, our civility dictates that we stand up to White Supremacy by standing side-by-side with every racial or religious minority group in America. It is our solemn duty to break their violence against so many.

Throughout history, many have suffered at the hands of the white people building their empires on the shoulders of the weak and the helpless. Ask the Welsh or the Irish. The Indians or the Asians. Ask the Jews, the Africans, the Muslims, or the Scots.

They do so using one form of slavery or another, and even though we are in the 21st century, the same white people are still trying to suppress the rights of others in the form of new 253 laws in 43 states to disenfranchise black and brown people. They are still at it, and unless we defeat this mindset that real political and economic powers only reside in the hands of the white people, the White Supremacists will continue to divide and conquer those who don’t look like them, or those who refuse to embrace their inhumanity hiding behind a Bible and a hollow prayer.

America is our country too.

To eradicate racism is going to take some real reforms. We must start by dismantling all the Police Unions to clip their wings as they have become the head of the spear of racism in America.


When you observe the cascading impact of racist policies over our institutions, one realizes how deeply rooted racism is in America. From the moment a policeman harasses a black man that ends up in jail for “resisting arrest” even though there was no cause to arrest him, until a judge sets bail, a prosecutor selects a biased jury, to actual sentencing, the whole system is rife with racism. And if that is not enough, most black men find themselves in private jails white men own for the sole purpose of profiting from the tragedy the black have been enduring for centuries.

Here is a story to make one weep that showcases the blindness of our justice system towards the black communities.

Former Pennsylvania state judge Michael Conahan was sentenced last Friday to 210 months in prison for his involvement in a scandal to enrich private prison corporations by sentencing juvenile pranksters and other extremely minor offenders to be incarcerated in a corporate-run facility… Sadly, this kind of behavior by the private prisons industry is not at all surprising. The industry spent millions in lobbying dollars to push harsh criminal penalties and longer sentences in order to maximize their own profitability.Think Progress - Ian Millhiser

To eradicate racism is going to take some real reforms. We must start by dismantling all the Police Unions to clip their wings as they have become the head of the spear of racism in America.

The point is that we must stand up to White Supremacy in all its forms. We must support education in the black communities and equal opportunities to succeed. Their economic success is ours too.

Adelson may have helped Israel consolidate its powers, but he also unleashed White Supremacy and Neo-Nazis on the five million innocent American Jews in this country.


When I saw one of the insurrectionists wearing “Camp Auschwitz” T-shirt, and another carrying the Swastika flag, I could not help but think of the conservative billionaire Sheldon Adelson (RIP), who funded Trump election campaign to the tune of $300 millions. Grant you, he had specific goals such as moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and Trump agreeing to Israel annexing the Golan Heights, but those goals are dwarfed by the monster Adelson released when he put his weight behind Donald Trump.

Adelson may have helped Israel consolidate its powers, but he also unleashed White Supremacy and Neo-Nazis on the five million innocent American Jews in this country. Some Jews don’t know what’s good for them anymore.

The majority, though, fully grasp the danger of the enemy within, and this is why we all must stand by every American Jew to protect them from this danger. It is our duty to show support and empathy as we have shown the same when a White Supremacist policeman murdered George Floyd while the cameras were rolling.

Without such championing, we would be complicit with the White Supremacists.

Some of those legislators, like Paul Gosar, spoke publicly in support of white supremacists known for their extreme racism and Nazi inclinations


Yes, I am a space buff.

In Congress today, there are a large number of racist White Supremacist legislators keeping racism in America on track as they and their ancestors planned it. Some of those legislators, like Paul Gosar, speak publicly and unashamedly in support of white supremacists known for their extreme racism and Nazi inclinations. They don’t care about the optics because they control the agenda to keep them and their policies, like the filibuster, in place.

Their presence at this level of power is a danger to our republic as we have witnessed on January 6. They all remain unapologetic about their actions as if to challenge the rest of us to a duel they know they will win. Nonetheless, it is important to kick these bastards out of Congress. One at a time until we rid of the whole lot to the trash bins of history.

How to do that? We must all work together collectively to raise awareness and to shame these people who know that their supporters at home reflect their own ideologies. But not if we educate these people that racism harms the economy, and indirectly their pockets.

It is neither early or late to excise White Supremacy from our society. It takes a little commitment in the service of our own humanity.

Stand Up to White Supremacy, Stand By America’s Minorities

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