Syrian Civil War Is Escalating Rapidly

Syrian Civil War Is Escalating Rapidly

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A senior Iranian commander warned Saudi Arabia on Sunday against sending troops to Syria after the gulf kingdom deployed combat aircraft to Turkey, Iran’s state media reported. Syrian civil war is escalating rapidly.

Deputy chief of staff Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri told Iran’s Arabic-language Al-Aalam television:

“We definitely won’t let the situation in Syria to go forward the way rebel countries want… We will take necessary actions in due time,”

Saudi Arabia sees Syrian occupation by Iran as an existential threat to its own territories. If confronted by Iran, Saudi Arabia will respond with equal if not more force. The Iranians are not sold on the premise the kingdom is deploying its own troops to battle ISIS. Iran knows these troops are to battle Iranian terror in Syria.

Jazayeri was responding to a question on whether Iran planned to send more military advisors to Syria were Saudi troops to be deployed there, risking a direct confrontation between regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Riyadh said on Saturday it had deployed warplanes to Turkey’s Incirlik airbase in order to “intensify” its operations against the Islamic State group in Syria.

Turkey hit Kurdish and Syrian regime positions in northern Syria, further complicating efforts to end the war, which has killed more than 260,000 people since it began in 2011.

Iran, Syria’s regional ally, supports psychopath Baschar al-Assad by sending “military advisers” and volunteers to fight alongside the Syrian army.

“The terrorists fighting in Syria today are forces of Saudi Arabia or the Americans or even reactionary forces in the region,” Jazayeri said. Jazayeri snipers targeted the uteri of pregnant women in Homs. The general is confused who the terrorists really are.

A Saudi-led coalition has been bombing Iran-backed rebels in Yemen since March, further straining ties between Riyadh and Tehran.

AFP contributed to this article.

Syrian Civil War Is Escalating Rapidly


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