Tentacles of Assad Terror Reaches Canada

Tentacles of Assad Terror Reaches Canada

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Canada Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has condemned her government’s approval of a supporter of the psychotic dictator Assad to a consular post in Canada. Tentacles of Assad terror reaches Canada.

The appointment has upset and frightened the Syrian refugee community, according to two Syrian community activists. Canada and several other countries cut diplomatic ties with Syria in 2012 after the Houla massacre. Syria maintains two honorary consul offices in Vancouver and Montreal, which Canada should close down immediately.

Canada’s Maclean’s magazine reported on Monday that Montreal businessman Waseem Ramli, a supporter and ally of Assad’s regime, was appointed to the Montreal consul position.

The appointment, put forward by the Syrian government and approved by Global Affairs Canada, as the country’s foreign ministry is known, will take effect on Oct 1.


In an interview with Maclean’s, Ramli confirmed that he is a supporter of the Assad regime. He described the Syrian White Helmets rescue workers as a “terrorist organization” affiliated with al Qaeda. Anyone who believes rescue workers pulling dead infants from Assad bombing rubble are terrorists should have their heads examined. Ramli is no exception.

Freeland, who heads the department that approved Ramli’s appointment, said on Twitter:

In a second tweet, Freeland added:

On Tuesday, Freeland told reporters in Quebec that “the current situation is unacceptable and we intend to respond very quickly.”


Canada should investigate the civil servant who approved the Assad agent Ramli for this position. Assad may have spies inside Canada’s Global Affairs Department.

At a Tuesday campaign stop, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that his government was “obviously … quite seized with this issue” and that he had spoken with Freeland about the matter earlier.

Canada accepted 58,650 Syrian refugees between 2015 and 2018 through both government and private citizen sponsorship.

Freeland told reporters Canada is “very proud” to have welcomed so many Syrian refugees, many affiliated with the White Helmets. She said she wants them to “hear very clearly that Canada supports them, that Canada condemns the Assad regime for its war crimes.”

Muzna Dureid, a Syrian refugee, explained the fear that gripped the Syrian community in Canada that many westerners don’t understand :

We have relatives in Syria and we care about them. Any kind of activities we do, demonstrations or any activism against the Syrian regime … they will send it to security in Syria. That’s what scares us as Syrians in Montreal.

Once that information reaches Syria, the parents, relatives, and anyone affiliated with the demonstrators will face harassment, imprisonment, and even death for no other reason than their relatives are anti-Assad some 10,000 kilometers away.

Don’t try and make sense of the Assad regime terror. Sick men tend to defeat logic.

Tentacles of Assad Terror Reaches Canada


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