Terrorist Assad Regime Speaks Legalize

Terrorist Assad Regime Speaks Legalize

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Head of the Syrian Bar Association said Tuesday that a U.S. court verdict that blamed the Syrian government for the killing of Marie Colvin, an American journalist, was “politically motivated” and aimed at stealing Syrian funds abroad. Suddenly, terrorist Assad regime speaks legalize.

Nizar Skeif told AP that “in my opinion this ruling has no legal value if there is a self-respecting justice.”

A Washington judge last month hit Syria with a $302 million judgment over the 2012 death of Marie Colvin. She worked for The Sunday Times.

U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson concluded the Syrian military had deliberately targeted a makeshift media center in Homs city where Colvin and other journalists were working.


Skeif reiterated government statements that said Colvin had entered the country illegally. He added that she stayed in areas controlled by insurgents that the Syrian government refers to as terrorists.

This is rather rich for a regime of terror that flaunts every legal norm, every international rule, and every treaty banning the use of chemical weapons against women and children. Terrorist Assad regime speaks legalize when it suits it.

“This act, this crime if one was committed it was committed by herself, for more than one reason,” he said. “The first reason is that she entered illegally and by smuggling into areas controlled by terrorists and in support of the terrorists. Second, who killed her? She was among the terrorists and in their embrace and she entered Syria without permission from the information ministry.”

The majority of Syrians consider the Assad regime to be illegal. Who wins an election by 90% of the votes from polls represented by 10% of Syrian territories and then claims his election to be legal?

Skeif said foreigners who want to enter Syria should obtain a visa “because entering Syria should be respected according to legal rules.” He noted that foreigners may not enter the United States without a visa; however, he forgot to mention that the United States does not gas its own people either.

Lawyers for Colvin’s family argued that her death was no accident. They hope to recover the $302 million verdict by targeting frozen Syrian government assets overseas.

AP contributed to this article.

Terrorist Assad Regime Speaks Legalize


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