White Americans Need Their Own Martin Luther King

White Americans Need Their Own Martin Luther King

Both Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Fox host Tucker Carlson laid markers this week that White Nationalism is on the move to establish itself as the de facto supreme rulers and owners of the United States of America. Just like the other supreme owner in Iran the Ayatollah Khamenei, and before him Italy’s Mussolini and Austrian-born Adolph Hitler. The problem with Greene and Carlson spreading their venom so openly is that violence always follows the rise of white nationalism. I say the white Americans need their own Martin Luther King. Many of them are lost in a sea of mediocrity and bigotry.

Folks, America is on the cusp of some very sickening history if Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and TV personality Tucker Carlson can mobilize mass violence again. Rupert Murdoch better own what is about to happen.

Many in the GOP leadership immediately crushed Greene’s move touting the Anglo-Saxon superiority. Why did the leadership recoil? Because Anglo-Saxons make far fewer babies and because there are over 60 million Catholics and Jews in America making more babies per family. If the GOP attracts only White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, it would succumb to a quick death. Greene’s move highlighted the risk she poses to the future of the GOP and the country. It’s on her resume now as much as it is on our minds too.

The American whites need their own Martin Luther King. Someone to guide them out of their one-sided mindset that is bringing this nation to its knees for all the problems and the violence they are causing.


Many white Americans see the diversity of America as enriching not only its culture but also its future. Multi-ethic and multi-racial partnerships to serve one common patriotic goal have always had a positive impact on their nations and its economy. Look at Singapore to see the benefits a nation derives from participatory politics in which all religions and races come together to build the country.

But don’t tell that to idiots like Tucker Carlson. He thinks that the brown people coming into this country as immigrants will “replace” the white race. Instead of imagining a multi-cultural strong nation, he sees his own deceptive superiority above all other races. How could anyone have such small brains with such narrow views? For someone like Carlson, it’s either the perceived superiority of the white race or he will violently impose it. What a sad story he and people like him have become.

This attitude that “it’s us or them” is so prevalent among the less educated white Americans, it makes one wonder whether the lack of leadership is the real reason. The white Americans need their own Martin Luther King. Someone to guide them out of their one-sided mindset that is bringing this nation to its knees for all the problems and the violence they are causing.

Carlson’s so-called superior race built two Americas. One half that is vastly enriching itself by sucking the blood out of the second half ($7.25 an hour)


Honestly, look at America today facing so many challenges that have been festering. Some for centuries. Challenges like income inequality, mass violence, police brutality, angry middle class, broken healthcare, corrupt government, racial divides, outdated immigration policies, voter irrelevance and suppression, out-of-control student debt, bad education system, etc. They are all the results of the fine work of Carlson’s alleged superior race. The white nationalists built a country that is breaking right before our eyes.

Yes, the stock market is doing well. Yes, 86% of the wealth in this country is in the hands of the white people. But the country as a whole is sick and needs urgent care.

Carlson’s so-called superior race built two Americas. One half that is vastly enriching itself by sucking the blood out of the second half ($7.25 an hour). That impoverished half will soon become a demographic majority within the next 20 years. This is driving people like Carlson up the wall with anger because the two Americas suit them fine.

They don’t want the whole country to succeed economically. Just their ilk.

I say white Americans are in dire need for good leadership to guide them out of their bigoted slumber. For that to happen, Donald Trump needs to fall and die after a golf outing because of a sudden heart attack.

White Americans Need Their Own Martin Luther King

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