The Benefits From Assad Paris Attacks Are Bearing Fruit Already

The Benefits From Assad Paris Attacks Are Bearing Fruit Already

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Using ISIS as a proxy, the benefits from Assad Paris attacks are bearing fruit already. Spain’s foreign minister pleaded Wednesday in favor of engaging with Syria’s psychopath Baschar al-Assad, just days after the deadly attacks in Paris.

Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo told TVE television:

“The lesser evil is to come to an agreement with Bashar Assad to begin a ceasefire allowing aid to reach the displaced… kick-start a political transition and above all attack our common enemy — Daesh (Islamic State group).”

The prime minster call for appeasing a mass murderer and one of the most violent men in modern history shows the benefits from Assad Paris attacks are bearing fruit already. European leaders know that Assad is behind the Paris attacks and their first instinct is to appease him out of fear from his extreme violence.

“We have to replace the ‘Bashar yes or Bashar no’ discourse by one of peace or war. If you want peace, you are going to have get along with Assad at least on a temporary basis. (former U.S. President Franklin D) Roosevelt was forced to come to an agreement with Stalin to finish with the Nazis, as it was a lesser evil at the time.”

Spain’s foreign minister needs a lesson in history. The Soviet Union were committed to defeating the Nazis at great loss and sacrifice, but Assad has forged and remains committed to safeguarding ISIS, which is saving him from regime change. 

Garcia-Margallo said there was still no sign of a concrete European action plan, two days after France used a little-known article in the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty rule-book which provides for solidarity in the event a member state is attacked.

France, which has launched new airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Syria, invoked the article after Friday attacks in the French capital left 129 people dead.

AFP contributed to this article.

The Benefits From Assad Paris Attacks Are Bearing Fruit Already


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