The Eight and a Half Successful Habits of Slick Presidents

The Eight and a Half Successful Habits of Slick Presidents

We observed these habits most in President Barack Obama

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Having observed U.S. Presidents for almost half a century, the following eight and a half successful habits of slick Presidents jumps at you. Naturally.

We observed these habits most in President Barack Obama. This is a slick man who follows a very precise script in how to control the masses and his foes. There is a Japanese proverb that goes: “When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.” To understand Obama’s character, one must get to know the company he keeps.

But luckily, we have been observing this President since his election. We also have been listening to his speeches and reading his statements. In addition to observing his body language. In him, we observed these 8.5 characteristics.


Below are the eight and a half successful habits every slick U.S. President has adopted to control the environment surrounding his presidency to his advantage. Just bounce then off of Barack Obama to see how amazingly accurate they are:

  1. Bury your thoughts, your past, and the friends who know you well.
  2. Develop and use abundantly a dictionary of words that mean little but comfort the masses
  3. Ignore the difficult problems and transform the easy ones to appear difficult
  4. Give yourself credit for everything and blame others for your own mistakes.
  5. Capitulate to none of your weaknesses by constantly questioning their origins.
  6. Play on the guilt of others towards race, gender, or ethnicity to shame their thoughts and change their votes.
  7. Lie to the masses so egregiously words cannot but become believable.
  8. Use cynicism against your opponents as a ploy to deflect from your own mediocrity.

And finally,

8.5. Surround yourself with people who are capable of lying incessantly and delegate them responsibilities beyond their mean to solve them.

The Eight and a Half Successful Habits of Slick Presidents


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