The Fallout From The Biden Gaza Policy

The Fallout From The Biden Gaza Policy
The Fallout From The Biden Gaza Policy

The fallout from the Biden Gaza policy will reverberate for generations to come, as countries around the world realize that America’s call for human rights and freedom are as hollow as Biden’s call for a two-state solution in Palestine. The international laws every U.S. President idolizes in speeches and forums are but a ruse, at least when it comes to Israel. It is almost a certainty that while Israel ruthlessly mass murders the Palestinians living on their ancestral lands, countries are re-assessing their commitment to a U.S.-based order that drops 2,000 Lbs bombs on women and children, destroys schools and hospitals, and ethnically cleanse people to force them to abandon their own country.

For the U.S. to assume that things will go back to normal after what happened in Gaza is as naive as Biden believing he is better than Donald Trump, who never killed any women and children. Biden, according to many around the world, is a mass murderer who does not deserve another run at the White House. Nor do millions of Americans who are witnessing the Israeli atrocities, aided and abetted by their own President. One who claims he supports human rights and international laws, while bombing three Arab and Muslim countries simultaneously just because they oppose the Gaza genocide Biden is fostering.

While it looks like the United States is putting its house in order to please and secure Israeli aggression and genocide, many Arab and Muslim countries are looking at America digging its own grave.


For Biden, it’s genocide of Gaza or bust. It’s killing women and children, or he will also destroy your country if you oppose his genocidal goals. This is how billions of people see America today, as the reflection of Biden’s idiocy.

While it looks like the United States is putting its house in order to please and secure Israeli aggression and genocide, many Arab and Muslim countries are looking at America digging its own grave. Such will not be felt immediately, but it will impact the relations these countries and people will have with the United States.

In other words, expect U.S. trade, commerce, and the purchase of American goods and services to decrease over the years as countries find it hard to justify dealing with a nation that supports genocide against their own religion and culture. It will not be an open boycott, nor will it be sudden. It will come slowly as countries look for alternative means to supply their commercial and consumer needs.

Who will be the great beneficiary from the fallout of the Biden Gaza policy but China and Russia, whose BRICS+ movement is gaining steam, and might eventually create a different world order that would weaken the United States. All to assist genocidal maniacs in the government of Israel to occupy more lands.

Then, and only then, someone might ask: Was it all worth it? Was it worth it for the United States to defend Israel to the point where its own powers diminish considerably?

Not a question Joe Biden is able to ask or contemplate. He is just too senile to express any good judgment, or common sense.

The Fallout From The Biden Gaza Policy

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