The Fort Hood Tragedy

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Washington – November 7, 2009 (Farid Ghadry Blog)There is always great sadness in seeing American servicemen fall in combat but the tragedy of Fort Hood, committed by what appears to be an extremist Muslim of Palestinian origins, remind us all that denying the “War on Terror” is denying this country safety from those intent on their Jihad.

The tragedy also lies in how open this administration has been to Islam and the Muslim communities worldwide. President Obama, from the first day in office, signed a Presidential Order to close down Guantanamo within one year. He then traveled to Egypt to deliver a highly-hyped speech at Al-Azhar University in which he embraced many of the values Muslim have repeatedly complained about.

Furthermore, the Obama administration even opened its arms to extremist organizations like CAIR and others who receive most of their funding from abroad, which in my opinion puts in question their loyalty to this country. CAIR, tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Whabbists of Saudi Arabia, sits at the same table some of our most prominent leaders sit at.

Yet, with all that, the United States cannot avoid the extremism of Islam. Whether at home or abroad.

A friend forwarded to me an article that was published in the Gulf States Newsletter Volume 33, Issue 863, on October 23 of this year. It talks about the role Mohammad bin Nayef, son of the present heir to the Saudi throne, played in rehabilitating extremists. Here are some excerpts:

“Observers have noted the difference between [Mohammad bin Nayef] MBN and his father, Prince Nayef Bin Abdelaziz, in dealing with Sunni terrorists. The extremist mentality that was partially tolerated by Nayef is being amended by MBN, who has overseen much of the Saudi terrorist rehabilitation programme since its inception. Shortly after the attack, the daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published a detailed report on MBN’s role in fighting extremists and commented: “They [the extremists] have lost the kindest person dealing with them.”

It goes on to detail how kind Mohammad bin Nayef was to the extremists. How understanding he was.

“The relatively young MBN’s most prominent role came in June 2003, when Saudi terrorist mastermind Ali Al-Ghamdi handed himself over to the prince. MBN has gone on to show kindness to Al-Ghamdi’s family, helping them financially and paying for medical treatment of family members.”

How did the extremists pay back Mohammad bin Nayef’s after his show of kindness in 2003? By sending him another suicide bomber in August of 2008.

From one Muslim to a country of a thousand religions, let this be the lesson.

To the Obama administration we tell them not to trust any Muslim extremist no matter the circumstances. Anyone connected with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Wahabbis of Saudi Arabia, Khomeini’s revolution, or “resistance” of Assad of Syria are in the process of building an Islamic Empire on the debris of 9/11 or the fallen heroes at Fort Hood.

There is a “War on Terror” going on and denying it will not make the United States of America any safer.


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