The Gaza War is About Israel Stealing Its Resources

The Gaza War is About Israel Stealing Its Resources
The Gaza War is About Israel Stealing Its Resources

The discovery of a U.N. Israeli energy map showing Israel already encroaching on Gaza’s own gas deposits in the Mediterranean has fueled discussions centered around the real purpose of the war in Gaza. Mainly, that the Gaza war is about Israel stealing the rest of its resources, and not defeating Hamas, as Israel wants the world to believe. Killing Hamas is but for another Zionist theft.

As one can observe on the map, the Ashkelon, the Noa, and the Shimshon sites Israel has already built facilities for extraction are, in reality, Palestinian deposits. It won’t be long before Israel encroaches on the rest to call it its own. If Israel is already stealing Palestinian lands, as big a prize are Gaza’s energy deposits, most likely worth billions of dollars.

Do not be surprised if Israel grants the rights to an American Zionist billionaire who helped arm Israel to wage its war on the Palestinian people. It’s a typical Zionist quid-pro-quo of depravity and turpitude.

The Zionists have mastered the art of thievery to perfection.

Hamas is the cover, but gas is the goal.


You can count on two hands the number of people who know the secrets behind the United States stealing Syrian oil deposits.

Apparently, the Trump administration granted a former army delta office and an Ambassador, Jim Reese and James Cain, secretly the rights to extract Syrian oil to share with the Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria. How much of that oil the Kurdish forces receive is unknown. The rest goes to American privateers.

And just as the U.S. has stolen Syrian oil from the Assad regime, Israel is poised to steal all the Gaza energy deposits, probably to benefit some Zionist billionaire in the U.S.

Hamas is the cover, but gas is the goal. In plain sight of the whole world. However, such would be difficult to pull if the United States recognized Palestine as a country with international rights, which international laws would rhetorically protect.

Maybe the native Indians in America can call on their gods to dictate that they retake the lands the European settlers, just like the Zionist European settlers, stole using force and violence.


But then, Israel is not a nation that respects human rights, international laws, or any treaties that would go against its own self-interests. Regardless, Palestinians must assume that they lost their gas to Israeli thievery, and it won’t be long before the Palestinians file lawsuits against the United States for seeking reparations for plundering Palestinian assets. At the right time, with the right international mood in place, such lawsuits might succeed.

Look how Germany is still paying reparations to Jews over and over every time new information comes to light to spark another lawsuit. One day, when the United States loses its luster as a superpower, many countries around the world would come knocking.

Israel is poised to rob the Palestinians not only of their lands, but also of their resources. Just like a typical colonialist savages, the Zionists found lands they could steal from people with little power, and called on their god as an excuse for their daylight thefts.

Maybe the native Indians in America can call on their gods to dictate that they retake the lands the European settlers, just like the Zionist European settlers, stole using force and violence.

The Gaza War is About Israel Stealing Its Resources

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