The GOP Wants Liz Cheney to Wear an Apron and Bake Some Pies

The GOP Wants Liz Cheney to Wear an Apron and Set the Table

Without saying it out loud, the body language of the GOP leadership, from Kevin McCarthy to the previous one, would like nothing but to put a woman in her place. In essence, the GOP wants Liz Cheney to wear an apron and bake some pies for them instead of expressing her independent and honorable opinions, which, incidentally, are right on-target. Her patriotism is not sitting well with the old white men running the Grand Old Party. So, they are trying to silence her, and she is daring them to knowing full well that Trumpism is a fad our institutions will outlast.

Representative Liz Cheney is not a woman any man can intimidate. The daughter of former Vice-President Dick Cheney, this maverick of a lady has established herself as the only Congresswoman leader unwilling to drink Trump’s poison. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is driving Donald Trump up the coconut tree. On all fours.

I predict one day, Liz Cheney would become the woman to break Trumpism apart as she rides a wave of massive support towards the White House.


The old white men running the GOP today seek to dismantle our democracy in favor of a bunch of creepy, racist, and bigoted White Anglo-Saxon Protestants ruling for life. Their white supremacist ancestors were the slave owners and the native Indians mass murderers. Just imagine whom we are dealing with here.

To Trump followers, damned be the Constitution and damned be the rule of law. Going forward, they are willing to accept martial law and oppression of the masses as long as it does not touch, as usual. and everyone who is not a white supremacist Protestant is their enemy. That’s Trumpism in a nutshell.

The voter suppression laws we are watching them enact today are just the tip of the iceberg. How would you like to live in a country where a white man can mow black and brown protesters with their cars and not face any justice? Totally legal according to the State of Florida. In 2021, not 1619. Aren’t we the civilized ones? Incidentally, is this what they call American Exceptionalism, or the greatest country on earth? Whom are they fooling?

This is the new face of Americanism Liz Cheney is fighting against. But the old white men in the GOP wants Liz Cheney to wear an apron and bake them some pies instead while they dismantle our democracy piece-by-piece and grab power for life. I predict one day, Liz Cheney would become the woman to break Trumpism apart as she rides a wave of massive support towards the White House.

The GOP is now openly embracing German fascism of the 1930’s.


Make no mistakes about it what Liz Cheney is fighting against on our behalf. Yes, she is fighting for democracy and for the rule of law, but she is also fighting for all Americans to celebrate their diverse and inclusive country. If the GOP has its way today, we would inherit a country of exclusivity with a single race and religion ruling by fiat.

Liz Cheney is fighting against the ugly Apartheid of South Africa planting its roots in America. Or you could say against fascist Germany of the 1930’s because the 45th President is the closest figure to Adolph Hitler we have come to witness since 1945. Wait to see what he will do to the Jews if our democracy is weakened to the point it is unable to protect against violence and malfeasance. He will quietly strip them of their wealth before he takes their freedoms and liberties away for good.

The fact that his Jewish lawyer turned on him is reason enough for the psychopath to turn on all the Jews using his ready-army of Nazi sympathizers armed to the teeth.

The 45th President ultimate aim is not only to seize power for the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, but also to go on a revenge binge against anyone and everyone who stood in his way. His herculean effort to remove Liz Cheney from her leadership position at the GOP just because she disagrees with him testifies to his authoritarian inclinations he will amplify tenfold to destroy our democratic system of government.

The GOP is now openly embracing German fascism of the 1930’s.

The GOP Wants Liz Cheney to Wear an Apron and Bake Some Pies

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