The Irreversible Mistake the United States is Making in Syria

The Irreversible Mistake the United States is Making in Syria

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With Turkey poised to push the Assad forces away from its observation posts in Idlib and because of its long standing sustained assistance to the Syrian refugees fleeing the Assad and Putin terror, President Erdogan is earning the hearts and minds of the Syrian people. Especially those the world abandoned for so long to the terrorist regime in Damascus. The irreversible mistake the United states is making in Syria will come back to haunt the region in the long run.

For those who are asking what does that mean, the answer is simple. Because the Muslim Brotherhood controls the Turkish government and all its branches, the Syrian people that America is neglecting to protect have become loyalists to the same religious order. When someone saves your skin from a violence and terror, you tend to stand by your savior.

The Muslim Brotherhood also controls Gaza, which threatens Israel.


Get the picture? Between a weak Barack Obama and an obtuse Donald Trump, both of whom ignored the plight of the Syrian people, the United States has invited the Muslim Brotherhood to have a permanent hold in Syria. Turkey filled the vacuum the U.S. abandoned. And if you think Assad or Putin will eventually place all of the Syrian people under their control, then you must also accept that NATO is going to abandon its responsibility by not coming to the defense of Turkey. Or that Turkey will submit to Russia.

Had Obama, when the Syrian people asked for our help, way before the extremists started pouring into Syria, obliged them by arming them properly, Syria would today look a lot different. No Russia, no Muslim Brotherhood, no Assad terror, and no Iran playing god in the region. America would have earned the hearts and minds of the Syrian people. Instead, the terrorists / Islamists do.

Standing up to Assad does not mean U.S. boots on the ground. But it does mean shipping weapons to tens of thousands of liberal-minded Assad army defectors. Something Barack Obama utterly refused to do because he was beholden to a future bad Iran Deal. Today, a dead bad Iran Deal.

Furthermore, during his presidency, Obama shipped MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat) to Ukrainian forces fighting the Russian invaders in the Crimea. Absolutely no weapons to defend themselves. Exactly as he did in Syria.

It’s an Obama signature move to abandon our friends to our enemies. The same ones that defeated him  and Hillary in 2016. We have yet to hear one reporter ask him this question: Do you think if you armed the Ukrainians, Putin may still be fighting for the Crimea instead of feeling empowered to interfere in our 2016 presidential elections?


Why do we keep making the same mistake? Why does the United States monocular vision always seem to contribute to more trouble down the road? Is it our strategist thinkers or our politicians? Is it laziness, or is it fear?

Grant you, we no longer have to worry much about ISIL or the Islamic State (Thanks to our heroic troops). But why did we not see that Turkish influence, after Erdogan attacked the Kurds, might lead to more sinister results? Why is the United States still standing on the sideline at a time when Putin is again interfering in our elections in 2020 instead of humiliating him in Syria? It takes half a brain to concoct this reasoning.

In Syria today, there are several evil forces trying to gain the upper hand. None of these heinous forces entrenchment in Syria benefits the United States; yet, we are frozen. Our president is more interested in tweeting than protecting our interests abroad.

Which would we rather have? Russia interfering in our elections? or Turkey and Iran spreading Islamist ideologies next to Israel?

If neither, why are we not blocking both by standing with the Syrian people? How hard is it to convince the American public that crimes against humanity in Syria goes against our interests and moral fortitude?

Time for our strategists to find ways to humiliate Russia to gain the upper hand in Syria. Show the Syrian people some compassion to regain entry into the region. Otherwise, Trump is no different than Obama.

The Irreversible Mistake the United States is Making in Syria


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