The Lack of Sustainability of Lawless Capitalism

The Lack of Sustainability of Lawless Capitalism

Step back and watch the world we live in here at home in the United States. With regard to the economy, we are a consumer society fueled by uncontrollable greed of big business which, also politically-speaking, write our laws and fund our Representatives to vote for their needs. These needs often contradict the needs of the average citizen. The public has no control over who gets in its pocket to siphon its hard-earned income, and who buys its democracy. It’s what I call “lawless capitalism driven by uncontrollable greed”. The lack of sustainability of lawless capitalism is staring us in the face as we watch angry middle class Americans, disproportionately harmed economically, revolt against the status quo without a clue of what are the root causes of that revolt. How do you think Donald Trump won the elections?

Honestly, it’s the wild west when it comes to a true democracy working for the people and a government looking after their interests. As we all have witnessed with the saga of Kyrsten Sinema, voters in this country are not in control of their destiny. It’s corporate America that pulls all the levers of power, and we are just their marionettes.

Ours is not a stakeholder democracy, rather, it is an oligarchic deformity bound for failure.


The very rich know the people are angry and it could lead this nation somewhere dark, but greed is more powerful than common sense. Our capitalism has become a game of musical chair where every corporation buys a “reserved” sign using lobbying and money.

From afar, we look like a sick country in denial over the causes of our illnesses. A country whose 1%, so accustomed to making easy money by rigging the system in its favor, refuse to understand the lack of sustainability of lawless capitalism. This wrecking social train, which Reaganomics introduced in the 1980’s, motors its way on a track leading us to an abyss.

We can already see the horizon leading to nowhere.

Ours is not a stakeholder democracy, rather, it is an oligarchic deformity bound for failure the same way the deformity of a two-class society in France — nobles and commoners — under Louis XVI failed miserably. In our case, it’s the ultra rich and the greedy who keep getting a larger piece of the pie from the middle class now certainly heading towards abject poverty.

Both [Musk and Bezos] lobbied the government to pay for their ventures, which means the middle class, not the freeloaders, should own the ventures if it paid for them.


How the rich can get richer has become the single-minded goal of the 1% who control our politics and our economy. At the expense of our own financial health. How else would you call freeloaders, like Elon Musk, who built their empires by siphoning away our taxes? Musk may be brilliant, but he is also a lawless capitalist.

Just like another freeloader named Jeff Bezos.

Both lobbied the government to pay for their ventures, which means the middle class, not the freeloaders, should own the ventures if it paid for them. But, according to the bible of lawless capitalism, middle class pays for the rich to get richer.

All taxpayers should own the Tesla and the SpaceX stocks, which means all of taxpayers should receive the annual dividends Musk and Bezos receive today in the form of a government payout, or tax credit. This is the kind of equitable economic justice that would diminish the anger Americans feel towards their own government beholden to the interests of corporate America.

The end is not pretty folks if we don’t take control of our own destiny through self-empowerment and self-determination.


I would like you to watch this segment from the futuristic documentary “Interreflections (2020)“. It highlights what is obviously wrong with our lawless capitalist society. Really worth your time.

Don’t you think it fully describes the period of lawless capitalism our humanity is going through during these ring-a cash-register times of our existence? The end is not pretty folks if we don’t take control of our own destiny through self-empowerment and self-determination.

Hold your breath for a moment because this means … we reform our election finance laws. It also means true representative democracy through instantaneous consensus that today’s technology can easily afford us. Furthermore, it means that accountability becomes the cornerstone of our societal order.

It also means that we will have to eliminate lying, misinforming, and spinning a tale of Adam and Eve through transparency. Otherwise, we will seat a Fuhrer in the future to please the likes of the Tucker Carlsons of the world whose fetish for power trumps any responsibility towards their fellow citizens that democracy can protect from their harm.

Why can’t Americans today vote for legislative bills in Congress directly from their own smart phones?


Here is an idea for you.

Why can’t Americans today vote for legislative bills in Congress directly from their own smart phones? Let our Representatives be the avant-garde to write the proper language and to ensure it is constitutionally correct, but we the voters decide what becomes law or what does not.

What a terrible idea to decide what works for the voters instead of letting the 1% decide what works for their own interests.

Is it that strange for the voters to decide directly the laws that most impact their lives? That’s what I call true democracy, which sucks away the powers of Congress that today decides what works for their corporate sponsors.

The sooner this period of lawless capitalism ends, the sooner we may save our republic. Otherwise, goodbye to America and its experiment; just as we bid goodbye to so many previous empires.

The Lack of Sustainability of Lawless Capitalism

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