The Threat France Poses for Iran in Lebanon

The Threat France Poses for Iran in Lebanon

When Angry Religious Men of Violence Rule Lebanon
France Tells Lebanese Politicians No More Candy
Michel Aoun Is Turning Lebanon Into Another Venezuela

Hezbollah is the de facto ruler of Lebanon. Its violent tendencies, which Iran dictates freely; its corruption and incompetence has led the country to the breaking point. To save Lebanon, the west must marginalize Hezbollah, a foreign entity that takes its marching orders from Tehran. If France ventures into that arena, the threat France poses for Iran in Lebanon becomes a serious matter.

France is taking its mission in Lebanon seriously. But unlike the United States, France believes Hezbollah to be a legitimate political organization in spite of its terror and violence against the Syrian and the Lebanese people. As such, it seems, on the surface, it has no intention of de-legitimizing Hezbollah’s rule over the country even though it may conflict with U.S. goals.

His [Bernard Emie] involvement sends chills down the spines of the corrupt warlords.


Iran sees French involvement in Lebanon as a short-term minor threat so far. But should France institute reforms to untie its grip over the country, then all bets are off. As long as Hezbollah maintains control while the West saves Lebanon for Iran to continue its occupation, then the violent and terrorist Ayatollahs would restrain themselves.

The problem with the above is the mystery surrounding the French ultimate goals in Lebanon beyond the political reforms. Of late, President Emmanuel Macron has apparently involved France’s top intelligence chief Bernard Emie to join his “Save Lebanon” team. His involvement sends chills down the spines of the corrupt warlords.

Emie was the French Ambassador to Lebanon between 2004 and 2007. He witnessed first-hand Hezbollah’s assassination of prime minister Rafik Hariri with whom he had an excellent relationship. For this reason, most likely Tehran would view his involvement negatively.

Iran, therefore, must walk a tight rope. It wants the West to pour money into a country it controls, but it would resist any efforts at weakening Hezbollah.

Not Michel Aoun, not Nabih Berri, not Hassan Nasrallah. nor Walid Jumblatt have dared to challenge Macron because they all have billions of Euros stashed in European banks.


Emie’s involvement could also mean France intends to make public any information necessary for those who stand in her way. Any corrupt politician who ventures to denounce French reforms might see in the papers the next day the extent of his corruption in easy to read numbers.

So far, there has been an eerie silence. Not Michel Aoun, not Nabih Berri, not Hassan Nasrallah. nor Walid Jumblatt have dared to challenge Macron because they all have billions of Euros stashed in European banks. Emie is Macron’s insurance card. A “Friday the 13th” character that is striking fear into their hearts.

From the lot above, Michel Aoun is the weak link. The man came to power to ravage and steal. That’s all he cares about and if Macron believes Aoun will not find a way to steal future EU aid, he is mistaken. In fact, we believe Aoun is already planning deviously to dip his dirty hands in the EU cookie jar.

To truly save Lebanon, France must first and foremost take Michel Aoun down. Denounce his corruption publicly to pressure him to resign. Otherwise, expect his demonic mind will find a way to bring Lebanon back to its knees as a result of his thievery.

In achieving this goal, France may just push its reforms plateau far enough to positively impact Lebanon’s future, but without unleashing Iranian terror on the Lebanese capital.

In other words, the message to Iran is: Either Aoun resigns or no foreign aid. The last country Iran wants to offend is France because it holds sway over the EU, which Iran desperately needs as it faces U.S. sanctions.

Lebanon deserves better than to have a thief for a President. Lebanon deserves to be like France. Transparent and its public sector working to serve its people.

The Threat France Poses for Iran in Lebanon


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