The Turkish Useless High Wire Dance Over Syria

The Turkish Useless High Wire Dance Over Syria

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In modern times, there is no military equivalency one can compare to the Turkish useless high wire dance President Erdogan has committed to undertaking regionally. Unquestionably, Turkey’s playbook, forced upon it because of history and its own ideological absurdity, will resonate with repeated failures.


Turkey is a Muslim Sunni country whose political penchant, because of Erdogan, has tilted towards the Muslim Brotherhood Order. Not a good thing for Turkey when it comes to its NATO status, and more importantly, its standing with any U.S. Administration. The Muslim Brotherhood’s enmity towards Israel guarantees Turkey a Washington cold shoulder despite its NATO membership. In brief, Sunni Turkey has very few friends in Washington.

Dial back to 1453, when Erdogan’s ancestors the Ottomans invaded Constantinople, which, at the time, was the capital of the Orthodox Eastern Church and renamed it Istanbul. The Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Putin holds in high regard, as opposed to the past Soviet Union, views Turkey as its staunch enemy. Because of the invasion of Constantinople. Just imagine any country invading The Vatican to understand what it means to the Orthodox Church.


While this scenario is playing out against Turkey in Syria, there is a bigger play Russian President Vladimir Putin is after. Turkey, for him, represents the first domino to break NATO apart. To reach that goal, Russia sold Turkey the S-400 missile defense system as the first step to peel Turkey away from the West. Erdogan bought into that playbook because he is hedging that the S-400 might get Washington to concede to Turkey on Syria and the region in spite of Israel’s good influence on Washington. In reality, the S-400 is Erdogan’s ace against Israel.

So much so that Kay Bailey Hutchison, US permanent representative to NATO, suggested full US help against the Assad regime if Turkey abandons its plans to deploy the S-400. Washington playbook is to keep NATO intact with its periscope aiming at Red Square. For the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon, Syria represents the chessboard for this epic chess game Russia is fully engaged to win it.


Smack in the middle of this game are the Syrian innocent civilians taking fire from all sides. Real fire from Assad and Putin, and almost total ignorance to their plight from the west. The only country helping the Syrian people fight Assad is Turkey but the nature of the high stakes endgame Turkey is playing, Syrians are almost guaranteed as big a loss as if they surrendered to the Assad dungeons of death.

Washington will never choose a Muslim NATO country over the State of Israel. Period. End of story.

Yes, Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 might threaten U.S. interests for the short-term, but its alliance with Israel is unbreakable. There is no clash of civilization in this equation, which are the real long-term threats to US superiority and standings on the world stage. Erdogan may have missed this important point.


In fact, Erdogan’s chess moves are not really chessmaster quality. It would be far easier for the Muslim Brotherhood Order to make peace with Israel and welcome their Jewish cousins than to try and defeat them politically or militarily. Muslims have been trying for decades to break Israel. And all they have to show for are failures. Turkey, unfortunately, is heading towards another Muslim failure.

For Syrians to win against Assad, and for Turkey to win across the board, it is necessary to make peace with Israel. No real chessmaster can ignore this chess move.

Muslims are living an age of Inhitat (decadency) today. All bejeweled and crowned by the imbecilic Princes and Sheikhs ruling the Gulf with nothing to show for the wealth oil has provided them except their idiocy.

Muslims don’t even have a proper scientist to discover a cure for the coronavirus. Their brightest minds work in Europe and America. Who are they to win against Israel?

The US will not work seriously with a Muslim country that aims to annihilate Israel. The Russians will never seriously work with any Sunni Muslim country because of Constantinople (i.e. Chechnya, Afghanistan, Serbia, Syria). These are the only solid assumptions to work with. They provide a clear vision of the future, and any chess move, meanwhile, is a waste of time no matter the outcome of that game.

The Turkish Useless High Wire Dance Over Syria


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