The West Should Not Wait Until China Invades Taiwan

The West Should Not Wait Until China Invades Taiwan
The West Should Not Wait Until China Invades Taiwan

What are the hard lessons the west has learned from turning a blind eye to Putin’s terror? That it did not prepare for it. With all the history of leveling countries and regions, the EU ignored all the signs to diversify its energy policies from Russian reliance. It is now paying the ultimate price for that apathy. Bear in mind these lessons when any other predator decides it wants its share of invasions and colonialism. Therefore, the west should not wait until China invades Taiwan, rather, it should simulate a scenario whereby the world might face this eventuality by planning to shield their economies today, not when it happens.

Just as Putin planned for the Ukraine invasion and had eight years to shield his economy, the west should plan a robust scenario, to include a set of actions it could take, to avoid the fiasco of the EU energy needs. Such bad planning subjugates the west to accept the inevitable. instead of striking back convincingly.

The west should no wait for another invasion that could impact its interests or survival.

Are we too reliant on China today in a way that would embolden its leaders to invade Taiwan? No one can answer this question.

Unfortunately because of economic priorities, the west has forgotten about infringing tribalism.


In one form or another, and since the dawn of humanity, one tribe invading another remains the one constant predators will marshal to subjugate and control each other. If one opens the book on which country wants what lands and people to invade, you would find half of it desire to snatch what it considers to be their rightful lands and peoples.

China wants Taiwan. Russia wants its Eastern Europe back and the Christians want their Constantinople returned to them. Even the Muslims secretly want their Caliphate in Europe, which is beginning to take shape harmlessly by acquiring European assets to include popular Football teams. On a larger scale, the ultra rich want to conquer Mars.

It’s our nature.

Unfortunately because of economic priorities, the west has forgotten about infringing tribalism. It believed that spreading the wealth might curb this medieval appetite. However, the Ukraine showed us how wrong we were. Europe, because of its willingness to bury contentious history for good, opened its doors to Russia in the hope that its people will choose prosperity over consanguine tendencies only to discover that such matters little to the primitive instincts of its leadership.

Tribalism triumphed over abundance. This will always be true unless we impose higher costs against colonialism as to pause the impulse of more reckless spirits. We failed to apply this lesson in the case of Russia, but let us not sleep again at the helm while others prepare for more conquerings to impact the western civilization.

Through knowledge prepare today for the coming unknown, which would provide the west with the most effective sanction deployment strategy.


Where does Putin hide his money? No one knows. Shamelessly.

How can we apply sanctions against individuals to maximize their impacts? We learn as we go.

Well, this is no way to conduct ourselves. Preparing for battle means more than building an army of drones or hypersonic missiles. It means building our knowledge of those who wish us harm so that we are prepared for the sanctions battle on a very short notice.

The greatest sanctions we can levy are those against individual economic interests. Nothing catches the attention of primitive guerrillas like the raiding of their trophies. Be it their bank accounts, yachts, or any other lurking assets on the European and American continents. Which is why the west must think of establishing their own mini-ministries of sanctions whose job is to secretly learn about how to locate and pursue the economic interests of those who want us harmed.

Every dictator in every tribe are corrupt. And with corruption, one finds all the nuggets of gold to exact the maximum economic damage. It’s nice and dandy that the west apprehended few luxury Russian yachts recently, but how many are we missing? How many bank accounts we cannot touch because its owners hide behind a thick wall of secrecy?

The west must prepare better to respond to future tribal breaches against the innocent and the weak. Our lack of preparedness on the Ukraine is the single most embarrassing historical moment of the 21st century.

Let us not repeat that mistake. Through knowledge prepare today for the coming unknown, which would provide the west with the most effective sanction deployment strategy.

It’s called survival.

The West Should Not Wait Until China Invades Taiwan

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